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I really despise DG way more than I despise Alex at this point. I am amazed at how many pe...

Gross August 4, 2018 2:40 am

I really despise DG way more than I despise Alex at this point. I am amazed at how many people try to explain his complete lack of self respect under the reason of 'being in love'. I wonder how many girls here accept to be treated like dog shit because they are in love --- that's what it means to say it's relatable. Who has never been in love? We all have but no, hopefully DG is not relatable at all --- being in love doesn't ever equate to humiliate yourself or accept to be treated like less. The 'relatable' part of DG is being in love, don't stretch it to the part where he goes down on his knees to lick Alex's boots ( figuratively) That is disgusting and sick.

    Nanasama August 4, 2018 2:49 am

    Thank you for understanding. People tend to think that his behavior is cute but it's not. I once thought it was cute how DG was in love but not to a point of putting yourself in a situation that will destroy your life, and might cause him to be bullied.

    Thay M August 4, 2018 3:10 am

    Someone needed to say this !!! Thank you !!!

    zep August 4, 2018 3:13 am

    Absolutely agreed. Exactly my thoughts.

    Ditz2194 August 4, 2018 5:17 am

    Finally someone said it. It’s toxic because of both of them. It’s needs to end between them for a little bit. They both need some self evaluation.

    Dulce August 4, 2018 5:35 am

    Just because you can't relate to him it doesn't mean it's the same someone else or that it doesn't happen at all in real life. Before anyone thinks I have been throught the same, well no, I haven't even been in love before, I'm just making this comment because unfortunately, case like DG happens in real life, more than you think and for different reasons, but at the end thet justify their own attitude saying how much they are in love withthe other person and how that person is their everything. It sucks? Of course.
    Do I think it's fine or a good example? No, I'm just here because I'm amazed at how you claim it can be relatable when this is how some victims of domestic violence act (yes, I know DG hasn't suffer any psysical violence but what about emotional violence?)

    Anonymous August 4, 2018 5:45 am

    Just a heads up, but Jiwon's name is Jiwon. "Alex" is just his broadcast name, and when you call him Alex it should be in reference to the fake character he puts on when he broadcasts.

    brynn August 4, 2018 7:39 am
    Just because you can't relate to him it doesn't mean it's the same someone else or that it doesn't happen at all in real life. Before anyone thinks I have been throught the same, well no, I haven't even been in... Dulce

    Oh stop it. You have no idea what emotional violence is. DG's being stupid. We do too. But it doesn't run from the fact that he's 'being' stupid and he's going to regret that.

    Diamond August 4, 2018 12:09 pm
    Oh stop it. You have no idea what emotional violence is. DG's being stupid. We do too. But it doesn't run from the fact that he's 'being' stupid and he's going to regret that. brynn

    Actually, he was being used and there are some examples of emotional violence in this story. Yall are so quick to jump on what DG did instead of actually trying to figure out what type of person he and Jiwon are. Like, I'm disappointed.

    aetlama August 4, 2018 1:50 pm

    wow, despise? there are a lot of pwople in unhealthy relationships, and they are not aware of that. They're usually victims of violent and manipulative paterns and don't understand that their behaiviors are wrong and i'ts the first "relationship" that DG have ever had... I hope you're not such a cretin with people who are really immersed in manipulative relationships

    Anonymous August 4, 2018 2:25 pm
    wow, despise? there are a lot of pwople in unhealthy relationships, and they are not aware of that. They're usually victims of violent and manipulative paterns and don't understand that their behaiviors are wro... aetlama

    Wow, what a cop out. In which way my post has any relation with people who are TRULY victim in a relationship with a violent or manipulative person who aims to control that? This is not the case here, at all! DG is totally responsible for his part in this relationship. He is NOT being manipulated, he is not victim of Alex, that in no way, shape or form has lied, manipulated or forced him. To link DG, a man who is show to be totally in charge of his mental capacities and willingly subject himself to humiliation and --- WHEN GIVEN THE CHANCE still chooses to lie just to stay eating shit --- to real victims is the real cretin move. I hope you are not such a cretin with people who are really immersed in manipulative relationships --- link this stupid trope of 'naive uke who is submissive for love because this is cute' to their real struggle. DG is pathetic because he is not being manipulated, he is actually the one now lying and 'manipulating' the jerk he is involved with because he was asked point blank to state his intentions, he was clarified without a doubt that he should not expect anything better than the shit he gets --- and what does he do? He lies and let the other guy believe they are in the same level of understanding. And you have the nerve to compare DG to real victims of manipulation. Girl, go take a walk.

    okayreiji August 4, 2018 2:29 pm
    Wow, what a cop out. In which way my post has any relation with people who are TRULY victim in a relationship with a violent or manipulative person who aims to control that? This is not the case here, at all! D... @Anonymous

    lmAoAo im kinda fond of DG but... you kinda just handed their ass to them. christ sis get that clout lmfaoaoaoo

    Diamond August 4, 2018 2:43 pm
    lmAoAo im kinda fond of DG but... you kinda just handed their ass to them. christ sis get that clout lmfaoaoaoo okayreiji

    They didn't do shit

    okayreiji August 4, 2018 2:48 pm
    They didn't do shit Diamond

    delusion, by jinkx ((((: convince yourself

    Rae August 4, 2018 3:02 pm
    delusion, by jinkx ((((: convince yourself okayreiji

    But...they didn't. Both Jiwon and DG are dumbassess who don't know what they want and who they are. What Diamond (another comment of hers) and another person commented about both Jiwon and DG are more accurate than what the anon is saying about DG. He is being manipulated. Jiwon never told him the truth (the entire truth about him being used as a sleeve so he can cure his erectile disfunction to continue to make money off the show...that's misleading someone) and Jiwon knows he's a pushover. Chapter 36 just proves to me how Jiwon knows DG likes him and tries to flip in back on DG to decide, to throw in back on him in the future. It's called rationalization. People find it ok because Jiwon "explained" himself, when he's using that as a defense mechanism. DG gave him the answer he wanted so he continue doing what he wants, which is screwing him and using him for "clout", the word you so eloquently used just now.

    okayreiji August 4, 2018 3:13 pm

    lol. jiwon’s intentions are irrelevant here, and he doesn’t actually have to tell dg jack shit, same for dg; it’s clearly a purely sexual relationship, or at least, that was the intention. and so, dg doesn’t need to tell jiwon he loves him! HOWEVER, that would be diggin his own grave, bc he is in love with him. sister alex can is tryna get that clout sis, aint nothin wrong w/ that.

    jiwon may be using it as a defence mechanism but that’s beside the point— at this stage, he doesn’t want a relationship, period.

    he’s not being manipulated, kitty girl. dg knows what he’s getting himself into, and he has full right to walk away, but he’s not.

    Rae August 4, 2018 3:29 pm
    lol. jiwon’s intentions are irrelevant here, and he doesn’t actually have to tell dg jack shit, same for dg; it’s clearly a purely sexual relationship, or at least, that was the intention. and so, dg does... okayreiji

    Don't call me kitty seriously, don't. There are times to be upfront with people regardless of what type of relationship the person is in. I guess is Jiwon had a serious disease that could threaten DG's health he doesn't have to tell him "shit"...yes they are times that even if you are just a sexual relationship whe you do need to tell someone, even when you have feelings and wants. For example, BJ MD was upfront with Chanwoo about who he was and that he wanted to use Chanwoo. I'm not saying that Jiwon should announce that he loves DG or that he should date him. Also, people don't seem to get that it isn't easy to walk away especially when you're in love, even with an asshole. Why do you think people stay in toxic relationships even when they know it's not good? They do stupid things, even humilate themselves but they still stay. It happens.

    Dulce August 4, 2018 3:31 pm
    Oh stop it. You have no idea what emotional violence is. DG's being stupid. We do too. But it doesn't run from the fact that he's 'being' stupid and he's going to regret that. brynn

    Where in my comment did I praise DG actions? And for the record do you know what emotional violence is? For DG who is in love with him, him saying "we are finished if you fall for me" , do you seriously thin that at this point Jiwon he hasn't realized that DG is in love with him?

    okayreiji August 4, 2018 3:36 pm
    Don't call me kitty seriously, don't. There are times to be upfront with people regardless of what type of relationship the person is in. I guess is Jiwon had a serious disease that could threaten D... Rae

    kitty girl

    Diamond August 4, 2018 3:36 pm
    lol. jiwon’s intentions are irrelevant here, and he doesn’t actually have to tell dg jack shit, same for dg; it’s clearly a purely sexual relationship, or at least, that was the intention. and so, dg does... okayreiji

    @ Rae, thank you for explaining it.
    How in world is Jiwon's intentions irrelevant when his intentions are the main focus of this story and the reason DG is acting the way he is now? Not being upfront and/or breaking up with DG himself caused this to happen. Cause and effect...

    okayreiji August 4, 2018 3:37 pm
    Don't call me kitty seriously, don't. There are times to be upfront with people regardless of what type of relationship the person is in. I guess is Jiwon had a serious disease that could threaten D... Rae

    Oh and yes. Obviously if he had some kind of disease that could harm DG... but he doesn’t. He just wants sex. lol

    anyway ngl i’m not looking for a battle, so. bye kitty girl! mwah xx