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The customers who keep asking him when he's going to find someone to marry are really rude...

Anonymous September 2, 2018 5:36 am

The customers who keep asking him when he's going to find someone to marry are really rude!

    Phantomhiveneko January 27, 2019 11:31 am

    In Asia its normal to ask cause they are worried about them

    Amorim March 9, 2019 4:55 am
    In Asia its normal to ask cause they are worried about them Phantomhiveneko

    Lonely people due tend to die early

    Aurinne March 17, 2019 1:08 am
    Lonely people due tend to die early Amorim

    Busybody auntie: "When are you going to get a pet?? You'll die of loneliness! I have some photos of nice pets I know...I could arrange a meeting??"

    Amorim March 17, 2019 4:08 am
    Busybody auntie: "When are you going to get a pet?? You'll die of loneliness! I have some photos of nice pets I know...I could arrange a meeting??" Aurinne

    You know I'd be so down for a pure, slice of life manga about some granny that goes around setting up lonely/ostracized people with pets that would heal them. 10/10 what I be needing right now tbh

    wow February 8, 2020 12:33 pm
    In Asia its normal to ask cause they are worried about them Phantomhiveneko

    ikr xD