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This is so unreal... The fact that they are brothers and their mother accepted their relat...

nancy September 28, 2013 11:48 pm

This is so unreal... The fact that they are brothers and their mother accepted their relation how can that even be and the reaction she had i mean if you saw your two sons having sex would you react like that? I'm not saying that i'm against the two of them together but the mother didn't have to know. The same goes for the father. And that Mario he was just stupid hurting others and just concerning with himself...

    BADUMP! February 3, 2014 7:05 am

    Reality doesn't exist in yaoi. ;)

    Usako March 17, 2014 4:03 pm

    Reality in Yaoi aside, I have seen stories about real incest. Like that dad who kept his daughter locked up for years and had his way with her. Or the father AND son that couldn't keep their hands off (it was so bad they even attacked her while she was hospitalized, which is how officials found out).

    Just cause you haven't seen it with your own eyes, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

    Isn't there a saying "Truth is stranger than fiction"?

    Momoka May 10, 2014 8:29 pm

    Agree with Badump. Reality belongs to the news LOL