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Searching for a specific manga

Buttcheekles November 18, 2018 11:49 pm

Uh.. so I am looking for the title of a yaoi manga. I remember reading it once on here, but I remember the people commenting saying that it wasn't supposed to be uploaded for one reason or another. That being said, it's probably been a year or two since then, so it might be a little problematic.

There was only one or two chapters up. But here's what I got:

Literal hipster looking kid, I believe his hair was dyed half black and half green. He plays this dating simulator game a lot. I can't remember if he approaches the other main character or not.

Enter this one kid. I think he was well liked by everyone and had a habit of making people fall for him. He happens to be riding the subway (I think) with him one day and I don't remember if the other character accidentally drops it, but he finds out what type of game he's playing and I believe he lies to him saying he's into those types of games too. Basically, he's wanting to get closer to the other person and doesn't have good intentions about it.

Anyways, when the game is revealed to him, the other character is quickly embarrassed and (not really) devastated that he was found out.

I think the last chapter I saw involved a convention, but I'm not so sure so maybe discount this part.

(TBH I think the drawing style wasn't so much my taste in regards to the one who doesn't have the best intentions, so I don't know what's so visually appealing but to each their own I suppose)

I know it's not much, but hopefully it rings a bell with somebody?

I logged in mobile using my email so I can't quite remember what my username is, so I'll eagerly wait for any response.

Best, best, best regards,
Stolenfreckles or some username with "duck" in it.
If it's neither of those, oh god what was I smoking.

Oh my god it's buttcheekles, really.. I can see why I would but goodness gracious..
