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BloodCoveredAngel November 25, 2018 7:34 pm

Is it weird that I'm still hoping that his late wife also became a "lost" person and that will meet and remarry.

    LaughingAardvark November 30, 2018 3:12 am

    Didn't it say he was single his whole life?

    BloodCoveredAngel November 30, 2018 5:09 am

    I thought he was married in the first chapter...was he really a single man for 80 years? I am gonna double check

    BloodCoveredAngel November 30, 2018 5:12 am

    okay I checked and you're right he was single also he is 94

    LaughingAardvark November 30, 2018 8:02 am

    He loved his sword too much to get married.

    BloodCoveredAngel November 30, 2018 6:33 pm

    And from his current attitude that will most likely happen again this time.

    LaughingAardvark December 1, 2018 3:58 am

    Well, maybe not if Frau drugs his food.

    BloodCoveredAngel December 1, 2018 4:17 am

    Wouldn't he just leave then?

    LaughingAardvark December 1, 2018 9:36 pm

    Good point.

    Sharni January 8, 2019 9:07 pm
    Good point. LaughingAardvark

    Yeah 70-80 year old late history merc that killed heaps with that sword they got and enchanted, because he has no magic limiter. But he has been a virgin his hole life. Its weird it is why he gets along with the elf race their food but he is basically same age as her so they both have the mental set. Also being virgins. I really want this to go well. Idk Overlord the anime is great but the MC is undead class chanter. But reguardless of how cool it is i prefer him in the armor. That robe design bugs me. I feel it is that part of him the armor part adventure that helps.

    This guy is anouying in the way he handles the girls. Feels like maybe that he has bad history with love. But i liked the little knowledge of his past, being a battle loving killing junkie, more enemies flips a switch i think its fun.

    Like SAO isnt the only other world one that has to be. Like the not how use a healer is extremly creative. I hate yaou getting the most translators doing them. Yuri is last Gender benders get faster updates. Like i found for $30 AUS i can get the whole of english translate. Then some have nothing regardless. I dont understand why so many boy love webtoons get more preference than. Good other stuff some finished over decade n half ago get like one vol done but you cant buy it. Ill buy shit i like but dont bother with something you never plan to finish until 8+ years after it finished and you cant buy it so you have to forget it.

    angel1 January 14, 2019 5:19 am
    Yeah 70-80 year old late history merc that killed heaps with that sword they got and enchanted, because he has no magic limiter. But he has been a virgin his hole life. Its weird it is why he gets along with th... Sharni

    i actually rather enjoy how he handles the women. he isn't exactly disrespectful or rude, though sometimes ppl might think he is. he just doesn't care for the lovey dovey romance shit and he isn't a blushing overly excitable hormone-driven teenage boy so he doesn't drool every time a female touches his hand a little. I prefer these type of harem leads because they aren't pushed around by their harem and barely give the women the time of day.

    Kat April 22, 2019 1:13 am
    i actually rather enjoy how he handles the women. he isn't exactly disrespectful or rude, though sometimes ppl might think he is. he just doesn't care for the lovey dovey romance shit and he isn't a blushing ov... angel1


    BloodCoveredAngel April 22, 2019 7:55 pm

    Finally remembered the name on the one I mixed up with this one, so if you're interested in reading about a nice grandpa reincarnation here: Isekai Tensei ni Kansha o. if that one doesn't work let me know and I'll post the alt names.