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I’m a muslim girl and finished reading this webtoon just now the ending was so unsatisfy...

Tasmi November 26, 2018 5:56 pm

I’m a muslim girl and finished reading this webtoon just now the ending was so unsatisfying for me because muslim girls has the right to choose their partner and parents don’t push their will on them. And many muslim girl in my country get married with hindu, chinese,Japanese people and abu dhabi is not that conservative and don’t have that weird outlook on islam like it showed in this webtoon . It would he wonderful if author studied more and made a beautiful ending where a positive message is showing

    TheDivinew March 2, 2020 9:16 pm

    There are people who end in a similar situation as her and also many parents like their daughters marrying guys from the same country’s and even going as far as the same city I’m saying this because my parents are like that and sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t have a type of person I want to marry for eg Asian Arab black man. However I can’t talk about other families but this is how I have been taught.