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Also, the deal with the newbie employee was confusing. At first, he seemed to be talking a...

manganiME December 13, 2018 5:58 pm

Also, the deal with the newbie employee was confusing. At first, he seemed to be talking about an "out" gay guy...but then the bathroom issue made me think this is a transgender situation, as the boss feels as if he's making a woman go to a male bathroom. Anyone else found the way they worded/showed it confusing?

    Sara December 13, 2018 9:20 pm

    What part of that implied a gay man? He said "What do you think about lgbt? In an interview recently someone said they were lgbt, and were pretty open about it. Which is fine by me, and it's welcomed in this industry." And then it was the bathroom. Like, what part of that says gay man??? Lgbt is not just gay men.

    manganiME December 13, 2018 10:04 pm
    What part of that implied a gay man? He said "What do you think about lgbt? In an interview recently someone said they were lgbt, and were pretty open about it. Which is fine by me, and it's welcomed in this in... Sara

    Good point. I'll note I was not the only one a bit confused there.

    I think it's because he didn't say "transgender" but LGBT--which is an umbrella term for FOUR different expressions of sexuality, not one. It could have been a crossdressing gay (not transgender). It could have been a gay man who had been bullied in a bathroom (not unique). So, using LGBT, and not clearly saying "transgender" is where my confusion came in. The boss used "they"--not he or she--so from the start, it was unclear. Since the mc is a gay male, I may have just felt established in assuming "gay male".

    Of course, the bathroom issue was the key point---"making a woman use the men's bathroom" phrasing. So, is this a trans woman or a trans man, was what I was thinking? And if using the men's bathroom is an issue, then... But the character arrives dressed masculine, so it's a trans male, then? Okay, you can see where I was going with the confusion.

    Then the conversation about how the women felt about it, and the women seemed again, why are they nervous that he had to tell Kodama-Kun to use the men's bathroom.

    Then the character is drawn in such a way that it could be a trans male or just a pretty gay male (he is very cute). The word transgender not being used made it less clear than it should or could be.

    manganiME December 13, 2018 10:06 pm
    What part of that implied a gay man? He said "What do you think about lgbt? In an interview recently someone said they were lgbt, and were pretty open about it. Which is fine by me, and it's welcomed in this in... Sara

    In any case, I find Kodama-Kun a charming side character and hope we get more into his person/situation.

    soie_yoie April 24, 2019 7:20 am
    What part of that implied a gay man? He said "What do you think about lgbt? In an interview recently someone said they were lgbt, and were pretty open about it. Which is fine by me, and it's welcomed in this in... Sara

    Lgbt can mean anything. lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally, pansexual. The person can be a gay man.

    soie_yoie April 24, 2019 7:41 am
    Good point. I'll note I was not the only one a bit confused there.I think it's because he didn't say "transgender" but LGBT--which is an umbrella term for FOUR different expressions of sexuality, not one. It co... manganiME

    I get what you are saying, but really it can mean anything. I think we are just supposed to take it for word value. Idk if he/she was uncomfortable with stating her/his specific orientation. And the characters in the manga just want to respect his/her privacy.

    1) gay male: traumatized in male bathroom (could happen. Could be a result of bullying)

    2) transgender: physical male body. Thinks he's a female, but never got sex change. Thats why the ladies are unwilling to share bathroom with male.

    3) transexual from male to female: I dont think its this one cuz the girls said they didnt want men to enter thier bathroom, but yes i could be wrong. They can still view the person as the original gender regardless of sex change.

    4) transexual from female to male: idk this is a tough one. She/he may have used the male bathroom and was bullied after the sex change but not welcome back to the females because of the sex change.

    I think it is confusing cus several time. The manager did refur the new person as male, but yes. We dont know born male or sex change. The author may exspand on it later. For now that new person is just Ambiguous.

    manganiME April 24, 2019 2:35 pm
    I get what you are saying, but really it can mean anything. I think we are just supposed to take it for word value. Idk if he/she was uncomfortable with stating her/his specific orientation. And the characters ... soie_yoie

    I like his/her character because they have that curiosity, energy, and forthrightness that is pushing at the m/c, but I didn't like the confusion.

    soie_yoie April 24, 2019 3:24 pm
    I like his/her character because they have that curiosity, energy, and forthrightness that is pushing at the m/c, but I didn't like the confusion. manganiME

    Lol idk how i feel yet. Waiting till something happens.

    I kinda find the character odd. Its like he/she is proud and not afraid to state he/she is part of the lgbt community, but won't specifically say a sexual orientation. Like is he/she ashamed?

    But then again i could be wrong. We heard it from the manager so the manager may want to keep it private and let the new guy state it when he's comfy.

    I dont care much if he/she is a side character, but if he/she becomes part of the main couple. I want answers. Lol im so demanding.