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I don’t get why y’all ‘old mangagoers’ (not all) feel so superior? You found this ...

ツ [Tsu] December 23, 2018 4:44 am

I don’t get why y’all ‘old mangagoers’ (not all) feel so superior? You found this website earlier than other, okay. The old users got a life and new users came in, okay. What’s even funnier is that y’all come to this manga website and claim that y’all don’t read mangas no more. Missing the point, no?

    HamesTheJames December 23, 2018 4:15 am

    who are these "old mangagoers" (low key tho mangagoers sound like a cool name) you speak of.

    Chunta December 23, 2018 4:21 am

    yeah, you're missing the point completely. I've never said I wish for the old mangago back but other people say it because back in 2016 and before there was no trolling. There's trolling all the time now

    hhhhh December 23, 2018 4:25 am
    yeah, you're missing the point completely. I've never said I wish for the old mangago back but other people say it because back in 2016 and before there was no trolling. There's trolling all the time now Chunta

    trolls were definitelly around back then lol.

    Chunta December 23, 2018 4:31 am
    trolls were definitelly around back then lol. hhhhh

    not that I remember. Especially not how they are now.

    ツ [Tsu] December 23, 2018 4:36 am
    not that I remember. Especially not how they are now. Chunta

    I’m an old member myself but I didn’t come to the website to chat so I don’t know about the trolls ect. I’m just irritated at this continuous complaint about how mangago is dull. Complaining about how the new ones are boring and not as entertaining as the prev bunch is just unnecessarily rude?

    Satan December 23, 2018 4:40 am

    I think I have seen some comments that follow what you're talking about, however, let me just say, those do not represent the majority of people who have been here for a while. Those type of people just tend to make a fuss every once in a while.

    In fact, it personally aggravates me that you simply lump all older users together. Isn't that doing the same thing as what you are claiming? That we are generalizing the newer users negatively? Dude. I realize that might not be what you are trying to do and I am not trying to start an argument here. Just letting you know that it's coming across kind of hypocritically?

    ツ [Tsu] December 23, 2018 4:44 am
    I think I have seen some comments that follow what you're talking about, however, let me just say, those do not represent the majority of people who have been here for a while. Those type of people just tend to... Satan

    I’m sorry if I ended up soundih hypocritical because that’s definitely not my aim. I should’ve specified that it’s some of the older mangagoers instead of all.

    ツ [Tsu] December 23, 2018 4:47 am
    who are these "old mangagoers" (low key tho mangagoers sound like a cool name) you speak of. HamesTheJames

    Sorry I missed your question! They’re usually anonymous which makes it hard to know whether they’re the same people or not.

    nezu December 23, 2018 4:47 am
    trolls were definitelly around back then lol. hhhhh

    i dont think there were a lot of trolls back then ;A;

    Satan December 23, 2018 5:07 am
    I’m sorry if I ended up soundih hypocritical because that’s definitely not my aim. I should’ve specified that it’s some of the older mangagoers instead of all. ツ [Tsu]

    It's cool. I figured that wasn't your intention. It was just hard to not get kind of defensive about stuff like this. I do agree with you that those comments can be aggravating, especially when many of those 'boring' users are people who are generally nice and helpful and with how lucky we are that the manga here are even available to read. Anyways, hope you have a lovely night and happy holidays! (●'◡'●)ノ

    replay~ December 23, 2018 5:23 am

    I've been here since 2015. The ones complaining its "boring" are likely the ones who engaged in constant spamming on the homepage. The only reason they find it boring now is because they dont have "fun" spamming the homepage anymore with the old users. The "boring" they say is actually just what a normal homepage is supposed to be like. I'm glad the older users who kept spamming are less active now.

    yung_medusa December 23, 2018 5:38 am
    yeah, you're missing the point completely. I've never said I wish for the old mangago back but other people say it because back in 2016 and before there was no trolling. There's trolling all the time now Chunta

    If I remember the trolling started popping off x100 when ppl discovered webtoons/lezhin and started uploading them here. Before then the trolling wasn’t as bad

    ツ [Tsu] December 23, 2018 5:52 am
    It's cool. I figured that wasn't your intention. It was just hard to not get kind of defensive about stuff like this. I do agree with you that those comments can be aggravating, especially when many of those 'b... Satan

    Yes, That’s exactly my thought! I just felt that that the chats in mangago are really sweet and helpful even though there will be trolls and comments unrelated to mangas- like mine, popping up from time to time. Thank you and happy holidays too :).

    ツ [Tsu] December 23, 2018 5:55 am
    I've been here since 2015. The ones complaining its "boring" are likely the ones who engaged in constant spamming on the homepage. The only reason they find it boring now is because they dont have "fun" spammin... replay~

    ahh, I see! I misunderstood on my part but I’m glad that there are still people like you guys that explained it without putting in any hate, Thanks :).