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Eh? This manga could have been a more interesting plot in how a closeted gay character com...

Anonymous December 31, 2018 3:33 pm

Eh? This manga could have been a more interesting plot in how a closeted gay character comes to terms with himself, and the current laws, living under an anti-gay rights politician, you know a rare manga that actually addresses the legal and societal discrimination "relatively" realistically, maybe he could even be an activist, or show how the politician father manages "hiding" his family circumstances or how the voting public would react to a politician who not only discriminates the public, but his own son. But no, it's just rape scene after rape scene, where every "seme" the poor guy meets wants to rape him and kill him during said rapes.

    Anonymous December 31, 2018 3:49 pm

    Bec. it's porn.

    Anonymous December 31, 2018 3:57 pm
    Bec. it's porn. @Anonymous

    Not all yaoi is "porn" just because it has sexual content. This yaoi started off with a basis of a good storyline, but then went down the lazy, problematic route of needless drama and rape scene after rape scene, with the severity of this never really addressed. This is just poor plot development, and reliance on problematic cliches.

    youraedthiswrogn December 31, 2018 4:30 pm
    Not all yaoi is "porn" just because it has sexual content. This yaoi started off with a basis of a good storyline, but then went down the lazy, problematic route of needless drama and rape scene after rape sce... @Anonymous

    "Problematic", this word gives me the impression your issue isn't with the story... the story was a nice, logical argument to bring forward in place of that the rape irritates you though, good job.

    Anonymous December 31, 2018 4:54 pm
    "Problematic", this word gives me the impression your issue isn't with the story... the story was a nice, logical argument to bring forward in place of that the rape irritates you though, good job. youraedthiswrogn

    The story uses problematic tropes, such as an unrealistic approach to sexual violence where it is used as a lazy plot device that fails to address any of the real motivations, mental, physical and legal consequences. Not sure what your problem is exactly? The term "problematic" erm okay?

    Anonymous December 31, 2018 5:02 pm
    The story uses problematic tropes, such as an unrealistic approach to sexual violence where it is used as a lazy plot device that fails to address any of the real motivations, mental, physical and legal consequ... @Anonymous

    * For example, the dad is a high profile politician with an anti-gay agenda. You know he would twist his son's multiple rapes to try and paint a view that all gay people are predators and can't be given equal rights. He wouldn't actually care about his own son's dignity and rather than be "shamed" for having a gay son, he would place the focus on his son being a straight victim of the evil gays. The politician father is too high profile for such an event to not make the tabloids or have influence, how would this affect voters is what would matter. But no, the dad's high profile job seems to be a minor plot device, just like the character never actually going to the police, or sexual health clinic or hospital after his multiple rapes, seeing a psychologist are never addressed or the reasons why he would not want to go, are never addressed. There are lots of other factors which could have been developed,but they weren't, it was just a typical poor yaoi that justifies poor writing by using rape as a "smut" plot device.

    Azalago December 31, 2018 11:51 pm
    * For example, the dad is a high profile politician with an anti-gay agenda. You know he would twist his son's multiple rapes to try and paint a view that all gay people are predators and can't be given equal ... @Anonymous

    Can. You. Please. Get. Your. Bullshit. Social. Justice. Out. Of. My. Yaoi.

    youraedthiswrogn January 1, 2019 6:55 am
    The story uses problematic tropes, such as an unrealistic approach to sexual violence where it is used as a lazy plot device that fails to address any of the real motivations, mental, physical and legal consequ... @Anonymous

    No, not necessarily the term itself, the implications of it's use. There is a certain group of people who use the term... they're the ONLY ones who use it.

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 7:41 am
    Can. You. Please. Get. Your. Bullshit. Social. Justice. Out. Of. My. Yaoi. Azalago

    Grow up, trying to shut down arguments by replying "sjw!" is so childish. Why not contribute some actual discussion on the issues surrounding the poor writing, and the how rape, with both men and women as victims has been addressed so oddly by this author.

    Azalago January 1, 2019 10:58 am
    Grow up, trying to shut down arguments by replying "sjw!" is so childish. Why not contribute some actual discussion on the issues surrounding the poor writing, and the how rape, with both men and women as vict... @Anonymous

    Girl please, this is a yaoi. A yaoi that is about as "realistic" as every fluffy yaoi ever written. Stop injecting American social justice and "cultural values" into a form of art that has existed for a very long time in Japan and never caused anyone to be raped, ever.

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 1:05 pm
    Girl please, this is a yaoi. A yaoi that is about as "realistic" as every fluffy yaoi ever written. Stop injecting American social justice and "cultural values" into a form of art that has existed for a very lo... Azalago

    Actually, there has been studies by Japanese researchers that show a link between the normalisation of sexual violence in the media, to public attitudes to victims, and also influencing crimes happening. Also wanting a competent story line that doesn't treat rape as a cheap illogical plot device has nothing to do with "American social justice" (babe, not everyone is American here). Falling in love with your rapist, and rapes being just thrown in for the sake of it, isn't some Japanese "cultural value" omg. It's just poor writing, and most people on here seem to agree x

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 1:28 pm
    Girl please, this is a yaoi. A yaoi that is about as "realistic" as every fluffy yaoi ever written. Stop injecting American social justice and "cultural values" into a form of art that has existed for a very lo... Azalago

    Guessing your are from the states yourself, so here's a snippet from an American newspaper "But scholars say Japanese women are far less likely to describe nonconsensual sex as rape than women in the West. Japan’s rape laws make no mention of consent, date rape is essentially a foreign concept and education about sexual violence is minimal. Instead, rape is often depicted in manga comics and pornography as an extension of sexual gratification, in a culture in which such material is often an important channel of sex education. The police and courts tend to define rape narrowly, generally pursuing cases only when there are signs of both physical force and self-defense and discouraging complaints when either the assailant or victim has been drinking."

    Japan has a very low rate of people reporting sexual violence, they might not recognise themselves as victims, and the law isn't great. Victims who are "passive" like most manga characters in these circumstances, basically get seen as willing. Manga, and the normalisation of groping people on trains, sexually assaulting or raping people when they can't consent ie when they are drunk or asleep, or passive characters not being seen as victims but just shy, victims falling in love with their rapists, no resulting trauma be it physical or mental, no consideration about the legal consequences or societal. These might be common traits of a lot of manga, but that just means a lot of manga is awful.

    youraedthiswrogn January 1, 2019 3:33 pm
    Actually, there has been studies by Japanese researchers that show a link between the normalisation of sexual violence in the media, to public attitudes to victims, and also influencing crimes happening. Also w... @Anonymous

    No, i don't think there is any such research.

    youraedthiswrogn January 1, 2019 3:38 pm
    Guessing your are from the states yourself, so here's a snippet from an American newspaper "But scholars say Japanese women are far less likely to describe nonconsensual sex as rape than women in the West. Japa... @Anonymous

    Japan doesn't have a low rate of reported rape, that's a myth passed around on cites like these. Statistically, Japan is placed 52nd in the list of reported rapes of all the countries in the world. Do you know how many countries there are? The population is reporting rape.

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 5:16 pm
    Japan doesn't have a low rate of reported rape, that's a myth passed around on cites like these. Statistically, Japan is placed 52nd in the list of reported rapes of all the countries in the world. Do you know ... youraedthiswrogn

    Don't know if you are living under a rock, but the under reporting of sexual violence in Japan and low prosecution rates is something that is common knowledge both in and outside of the country, and a big part of their metoo. As a quick stat, Japan times says around 10% of victims of sexual violence on trains (which even has it's own name Chikan) report it. Victims will be children as well as adults. Normalisation of sexual violence, be it real life, and through media like manga and porn is a big problem. Even things like violence against children in their media is still around. Authors say it's sexually liberating which is odd.

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 5:26 pm
    Don't know if you are living under a rock, but the under reporting of sexual violence in Japan and low prosecution rates is something that is common knowledge both in and outside of the country, and a big part ... @Anonymous

    * Oh and in case you need things clearer, the majority of women and girls in surveys about Chikan for the years, have said they are victims of such violence, but few report it,and even if they did, succesful prosecutions are low. There was a controversial campaign a while back basically telling women & girls how to dress and behave to not provoke these criminals,as if the victims were to blame, if you need a hint on how victims were/are treated.

    Azalago January 1, 2019 11:25 pm
    * Oh and in case you need things clearer, the majority of women and girls in surveys about Chikan for the years, have said they are victims of such violence, but few report it,and even if they did, succesful pr... @Anonymous

    The rate of reporting in the US is also incredibly low, with incredibly low incarceration rates for rapists, and yet its rape rate is 27 times higher than Japan's is. Maybe it's not "normalizing sexual violence" that is the problem, since rape is very much more "normalized" in Japanese culture.
    What Japan has an issue with is an obsession with shame. This is also why in Japan, mental health is so heavily stigmatized, because discussing it and experiencing it is considered shameful. Hell, mental health isn't even part of their universal healthcare. Anything that might be considered shameful must be kept to yourself, including sexual trauma.
    None of which has anything to do with the depiction of rape in FUCKING YAOI. This is why the "depictions of rape lead to rape culture" crowd are usually just applying feminist critical theory, which is horseshit.

    youraedthiswrogn January 2, 2019 4:58 am
    Don't know if you are living under a rock, but the under reporting of sexual violence in Japan and low prosecution rates is something that is common knowledge both in and outside of the country, and a big part ... @Anonymous

    That's literally an impossible stat... how would they measure non reported sexual crimes? You're buying into propaganda sweetie.

    youraedthiswrogn January 2, 2019 5:03 am
    Don't know if you are living under a rock, but the under reporting of sexual violence in Japan and low prosecution rates is something that is common knowledge both in and outside of the country, and a big part ... @Anonymous

    Also, "sexual violence" is such a broad umbrella term that it could even include verbal harassment...