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is saying "I love you" that hard? I didn't get it why people are so scared when it's come ...

sao January 1, 2019 7:16 am

is saying "I love you" that hard? I didn't get it why people are so scared when it's come to confession. Honestly, I haven't fell in love with sb so I don't know that kind of feeling

    akera July 3, 2019 12:08 am

    I haven't fallen in love either and I'm in my mid twenties x'D But I kinda understand the psychology behind it. It's not that saying I love you is hard in general but when you're sex friends with someone that automatically means "no strings attached" so to be the one to break that rule isn't easy. They aren't lovers, they just started sleeping together without any deep meaning behind it

    natsuhi May 31, 2020 4:07 pm

    It is hard when you don't know if the feeling will be reciprocated. And if it isn't , it feels like the whole world came crashing down. And the relationship will change whether u like it or not.