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Squealer - Terrorist or Freedom Fighter

Super Anime Fan January 2, 2019 12:17 pm

I’ve heard some debate over whether or not Squealer was a terrorist or a freedom fighter. I can safely say that Squealer was most definitely a terrorist and was evil, and I’ll explain why.

There’s a thin blurry line between being a terrorist and being a freedom fighter. It may be hard to see, but it is there. Freedom fighters know who to attack and how. In war, you go after military and those in power in order to win the war and bring it to an end, even if you’re the one who started the war. Freedom fighters rise up when they’re being suppressed and go after such targets in order to be freed from their suppressors. Terrorists don’t go after just military and those in power, they attack anyone one they can on the opposing side, be it man, woman, child, or elderly. They kill as many people as possible in order to shake the opposing side and make them give in to fear until they give in to the terrorists’ demands. Just think about when other countries go to war. Yes, there are civilian casualties that sadly get involved, but soldiers don’t directly go after them, nor do they kill indiscriminately simply because they’re people that just happen to be of the enemy country (and those that do are utter scum).

This is what Squealer was doing. He was going after as many humans as possible, killing as many as he could, whether they were military or not, even if they were children. And while I’m not saying he wasn’t entirely unjustified in beginning an uprising and wanting more for his people, he crossed that line from freedom fighter into terrorism. What more, an uprising may not even have been entirely unnecessary. He even admitted that his people weren’t mistreated and allowed their freedom by the humans when this was stated, but he did say that the humans didn’t treat them as equals either. What they were facing was inequality, not suppression. This wasn’t like in the Hunger Games were the capital was deliberately making the districts suffer and killing them for sport. The only time the humans harmed the monster rats was when they acted against them or broke the laws. But even if they were being suppressed, Squealer wasn’t just after freedom, he wanted complete and total genocide of the human race.

But it wasn’t just what Squealer was doing to the humans, but also what he was doing to his own people. He lobotomized his tribe’s queen/mother in an attempt to gain power over them. Then in order to recruit others to his cause, he preached that they were fighting for freedom from the humans. Those he couldn’t convince, he took over their tribes by force, either killing their queens/mothers or holding them hostage, if not outright destroying their entire tribes if they would not submit to him. This was nothing more than a method to gain power and place himself at the top while hiding behind the whole “gaining freedom” thing as an excuse to justify what he was doing and to recruit others.

Again, I’m not saying that the uprising was completely unjustified, but Squealer crossed the line of freedom fighter to terrorist and turned his uprising and recruitment into his way of gaining power and ruling over his people. It’s kind of like what Nurse Ratchet did in “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest”, or like what Negan did in “The Walking Dead”. Squealer was a villain through and through.

    Qwerrz January 3, 2020 9:49 am

    I agree mate..but the guy was so fed up of slavery and hate so its kinda sad

    Super Anime Fan January 5, 2020 12:43 am
    I agree mate..but the guy was so fed up of slavery and hate so its kinda sad Qwerrz

    Yes, but then he turned around and did the same thing to his own people. It was essentially, join me and become my slaves, and I will free us from our oppressors, or I'll kill you myself. He was forcing them to trade in one form of enslavement for another while hiding behind a false message of "freedom" and "equality" as a means of recruiting others to his cause.

    Avi July 27, 2020 9:33 pm

    Dude humans were no good too in there... They were doing the same as squealer did, killing their own children and transforming normal humans into queerats , enslaving them and killing them later on... I'm not saying what squealer did was right but not only the higher ups in the but the normal parents ...they were like afraid of their own children and were okay if they are killed... I hated the fact they killed them.. there were ways, they could have abandoned them or kept them out of the village or trained them real hard to control their powers ( ̄へ ̄)

    Super Anime Fan July 28, 2020 7:58 pm

    I'm not excusing what the humans were doing, but there was a clear difference. With Squealer it was "obey me or die, period". The humans only killed their children if they were going to become ogres or karmic demons. If that were to happen, the kids would end up dying anyway, and they would end up killing hundreds, if not thousands of other people along with them. Ogres become unstoppable psychopaths that go on killing rampages until they're own bodies finally give out. Karmic demons own power spins out of their control, destroying everything around them whether they want it to or not until their own power destroys them as well. It doesn't excuse what the humans were doing, but it's, in a way, understandable since the kids would end up dying anyway and there was no way to help them. It also completely different from Squealer who simply killed anyone who would submit to him. And even then, he uncaringly and remorsefully sent his own people to the slaughter for his cause, often times even flat out sacrificing them. And unlike the humans, he felt no remorse for doing this, and even seemed to enjoy the power he had that allowed him to do this to his own people.