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Kaede and Ayame are twins?

UkeLover March 9, 2019 4:36 pm

Super confusing. And I don't know how Ayame's personality did a 180 in one night?

    Reylla March 9, 2019 5:28 pm

    Nope, they are just brothers.
    Also, I think in this manga we are dealing with a case of unreliable narrator. So, although Ayame was a bit of a dick to Shuu (in the way young arrogant boys can be, especially when they are trying to look cool to their friends), he probably wasn't really as bad as Shuu remembers. Those "traumatic" memories were probably consequence of Shuu's feelings of insecurity and paranoia ("no one likes me and everyone who talks to me is in fact mocking me" etc). Which makes Ayame's "change of character" more believable- it's not that he changed that much, more than Shuu has more confidence and maturity today and sees Ayame's actions on a more real ground.

    UkeLover March 9, 2019 6:55 pm
    Nope, they are just brothers. Also, I think in this manga we are dealing with a case of unreliable narrator. So, although Ayame was a bit of a dick to Shuu (in the way young arrogant boys can be, especially whe... Reylla

    But he was angry and totally flippant toward Shuu even during the pregnancy test scene, but the next time he gets drunk (which I assume is not years in the future) he is gentle and caring?

    Reylla March 10, 2019 12:23 am
    But he was angry and totally flippant toward Shuu even during the pregnancy test scene, but the next time he gets drunk (which I assume is not years in the future) he is gentle and caring? UkeLover

    This will be clarified later on the series, and also it's just my interpretation of the events, but basically (SPOILERS)
    Ayame has fallen for Shuu in high school. However, after Shuu went into heat at the graduation ceremony, for some reasons Ayame ends up thinking he is actually Kaede's fated mated - and because of the way the whole scene played out, Ayame kinda resents omegas and how they can "control" Alphas' feelings against their wills. So the way he treats Shuu about the whole pregnancy scare thing is probably him being reminded that Shuu is an omega and getting pissed about it (and also feeling hella guilty about possibly inpregnating his bro's fated mated).

    UkeLover March 10, 2019 3:44 am
    This will be clarified later on the series, and also it's just my interpretation of the events, but basically (SPOILERS).......Ayame has fallen for Shuu in high school. However, after Shuu went into heat at the... Reylla

    Aw but I was enjoying the mean guy role ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    But thanks for the clarification!

    lannychan March 16, 2019 7:00 am
    This will be clarified later on the series, and also it's just my interpretation of the events, but basically (SPOILERS).......Ayame has fallen for Shuu in high school. However, after Shuu went into heat at the... Reylla

    Tô curiosa, mas não quero spoiler x-x. Vc leu em espanhol, pt-br ou em jp mesmo?

    Lia March 16, 2019 2:55 pm

    I thought Ayames feelings were hurt from Shuu being like I hate you even when they were doing it.

    Reylla March 16, 2019 4:06 pm
    Tô curiosa, mas não quero spoiler x-x. Vc leu em espanhol, pt-br ou em jp mesmo? lannychan

    Li em espanhol! Nesse blog aqui

    lannychan March 17, 2019 4:00 am
    Li em espanhol! Nesse blog aqui Reylla

    vlw mana <3

    kaikun March 17, 2019 11:47 pm
    This will be clarified later on the series, and also it's just my interpretation of the events, but basically (SPOILERS).......Ayame has fallen for Shuu in high school. However, after Shuu went into heat at the... Reylla

    Heey! Not sure about this, maybe I just didn’t pay too much attention but I don’t know where it says that Ayame thinks that Shuu is Kaede’s fated mate. I already read all the chapters in Spanish (THANK YOU FOR THE LINK ) but I don’t remember reading that part! (Sorry if it really says it but i just didn’t pay attention) I understand that Kaede has a beloved person that believes in the fated mate thing but Kaede himself does not believes about the fated mate, but I don’t think the autor showed his beloved person yet