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Not sure why but everytime maru is mean to mu I feel my heart squeeze and am sad

Purplemonkey94 March 30, 2019 12:52 pm

Not sure why but everytime maru is mean to mu I feel my heart squeeze and am sad

    Zoey Zoey Zoey May 5, 2019 5:12 pm

    I love that feeling. I’m a huge fan of a cold seme. But my fav scenario is a pure hearted uke who is treated badly by the seme but when the seme falls in love (or realizes the love he’s been denying) and risks risks losing the uke, the seme has to now fight for him. It’s super cliche but I think it’s bc of the Harlequin romances I snuck in elementary school that I love this shit. My moms lover brought some books that had been set beside the dumpster at her mall job and I snagged one and hid it under my bed. I read it so many times and it gave my heart that painful thrill. I actually used to get that with my ex bc he was often cruel to me. (The scenario I love in books doesn’t work irl though). But now few stories do that for me so I’m always happily surprised when I find that rare story that follows my fav story line. The asshole seme transformed by the love of a good uke with a hea. You find it more in hetero romance but I can’t read 99.9999% of hetero romance anymore.

    sarusayan August 6, 2019 10:43 pm
    I love that feeling. I’m a huge fan of a cold seme. But my fav scenario is a pure hearted uke who is treated badly by the seme but when the seme falls in love (or realizes the love he’s been denying) and ri... Zoey Zoey Zoey

    Omg can please recommend me some manga with cold seme, I LOVE IT

    Zoey Zoey Zoey August 7, 2019 4:12 am
    Omg can please recommend me some manga with cold seme, I LOVE IT sarusayan

    I’ll do my best. Also one of the only het series I can read (non manga) has the most amazing cold male character. He’s an angel in an alternate universe where they are more like sociopathic gods. The chick is one of the only females in romance I can deal with. Usually they're stupid and way to femme or so over the top badass they feel like a caricature. Anyways it’s called Angels Blood. The first 3 books are about the main couple and it’s one of the most interesting romances I’ve ever read. Like without the romance it’s a solid story. Anyways I’ll look through my fav lists for cold semes.

    Zoey Zoey Zoey August 7, 2019 4:36 am

    Didn’t go through everything but here’s start. (Also try “freezing flame”). I’ll try to go through my other list tomorrow and see if I come up with anything else.) (the arts pretty ugly but the seme is super cold, and fcked in the head, the uke is super annoying but I still liked it. (I fcking love this one. Love everything by this mangaka) (ugly art, cold and horrible seme who later becomes devoted and sweet. So unrealistic.) (really good manga. Cold seme.) (gorgeous art. Just wish it was longer.) (cold seme but not in a typical way. But it’s one of my all time fav. Another hidden gem.) (gives that pang in your heart feeling.) (love this one. Dick seme who fcks ovr seeet uke then has to earn his trust back.)

    (Not so much a cold seme but has something super harlequin about it. Plus it’s a hidden gem.)

    sarusayan August 8, 2019 10:20 pm
    Didn’t go through everything but here’s start. (Also try “freezing flame”). I’ll try to go through my other list tomorrow and see if I come up with anything else.) Zoey Zoey Zoey

    I completed reading them, and gooddddd thank you. I LOVED IT SOOOO MUCH

    Zoey Zoey Zoey August 9, 2019 6:17 am
    I completed reading them, and gooddddd thank you. I LOVED IT SOOOO MUCH sarusayan

    Cool. I’ll look for some more when I have some time tomorrow. Also check out my fav list -yaoi as it should be fuckers. It my absolute favorites. I’ve been pairing it down to make sure it’s just my absolute favs. If you have the same taste as I do you might like a lot on there. The beginning of the list is older stuff I added when mangago changed up everything and added the list capabilities but further on is the stuff I came across as new. There’s some hidden gems on there that don’t show up in the first few pages of most popular or highest rated. And most everything by Ike Reibun & Watanabe Asia is on there who were two of my first favorite mangakas. They’ve both evolved their art into something beautiful while still unique. I’m creating a new list called Perfection that I’m adding the mangas that aren’t just amazing but are my perfect manga. Or as perfect as I can find. It’s a work in progress.