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I hate chapter 4

Meow Nyann April 15, 2019 5:43 pm

No matter what the reason is cheating is still a BIG FUCKING NO!
I get that his boyfriend is stupid for not prioritizing the uke, and in the end both somehow miscommunicated thinking both don't care about each other anymore, but fucking someone else while you're still in a relationship? Fuck outta here. Look, go fuck around all you want but it's NOT cool to cheat. Uke could've just confessed how he actually feels and warns the seme about breaking up if he isn't prioritized enough. If the seme still didn't change, break up with him and go fuck anyone!! I don't care!! It's so fucking irritating I hate when I read "My body feels so good but my heart isn't satisfied" because the uke has someone else in his mind.
