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A bit disappointing...

Shindere April 24, 2019 10:45 pm

I thought they were gonna follow the novel but I guess Hoshino wanted to take a different approach. After all, she wasn't the one who wrote the novel.

    Kuma April 24, 2019 11:57 pm

    its have novel?

    kushina410 April 25, 2019 4:30 am


    replay~ April 25, 2019 2:58 pm

    So...what happens in the novel? Spoil me.

    Shindere April 25, 2019 4:55 pm
    its have novel? Kuma

    Yes there is a novel call D.Gray Man Reverse. You can read it here:

    Shindere April 25, 2019 4:56 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! AnimeLaLaLover

    The chapter which talks about Allen's past as "Red" is the chapter called "Lost Fragment of Snow."

    Shindere April 25, 2019 5:47 pm
    Novellll????? kushina410

    In the novel. Cosmov wasn't a sarcastically sadistic person like he was portray in the manga. Cosmov was a cruel and evil bastard who doesn't hesitate to beat and verbally abuse Red at every chance he gets.

    Unlike in the manga, Cosmov would never try to sarcastically warm up to Red. Instead, the first thing he did in the novel was call Red disgusting and question why Red was even in the Circus given how useless Red is. When Red gave him a scornful look, he punch Red in the stomach which caused Red to hurl onto the ground in pain. But when Red refuse to give into the pain, Cosmov begin to kick and beat Red aggressively simply because he want to see the look on Red face when Red gave in. That's the Cosmov in the novel.
    As for the Circus Master, he was a greedy and an uncaring person. Because Red refuse to be part of the freak show and doesn't bring in any money, he completely shun Red. He thought of Red as the equivalent of trash and wouldn't even go near Red if he doesn't have to.

    Unlike the manga, the Circus Master would never touch Red unless he's beating Red. And he would never claim Red as his property. He'd rather Red leave or die so he won't have to waste money feeding Red. And when he interact with Red, he's always aloof and never really show any emotion but anger cause he doesn't think Red is worth his time. Even when Cosmov beats and abuse Red, he would just turn a blind eye or side with Cosmov cause Cosmov is the one bringing in any money. That's the Circus Master of the novel.
    As for Red himself, he's not only shun by the people in the circus but the people outside as well. Because of his deformed arm, every person that he meet will either look at him in disgust or run away in fear. Thus, he's develop a pessimistic nature around people.

    Unlike the manga, his attitude wasn't to prove the people who scorn wrong. He wanted to get away from everyone and everything and live a world where he is alone. But the only reason why he stays in the Circus is because he was a child and couldn't survive on his own.

    And unlike the manga, Red didn't meet Mana first. He met "Allen" who is the dog that Mana owns. Red meet "Allen" first and not Mana. "Allen" is the thing that connects Red to Mana. That is why "Allen" became significant to the story.
    I guess I can understand why Hoshino would change the course of the novel. The Novel contain a lot of details that she wouldn't be able to incorporate completely into the manga. And since the novel was already created and she assume that people reads them, she didn't want to waste her time explaining everything and just want to get to the juicy stuff.

    Shindere April 25, 2019 9:10 pm
    So...what happens in the novel? Spoil me. replay~

    If you want me to tell you the story, here it is. I'll tell you the best that I can remember.
    ~"Spoiler Alert!!!!"~

    Lost Fragment of Snow:
    In the novel, Red is an abandon child who was presumably sold to the Circus by his parents because of his deformed red arm. And because of his deformed red arm, everyone calls him "Red". (His arm is actually his uninvoked Innocence.)

    Initially, the Circus Master bought Red with the intention to display Red on the Freak Show, a show that display nasty and exotic things as monsters. But because Red refuse to be display as a freak, he decided to do odd jobs around the Circus instead. Jobs like cleaning and delivering food to members of the circus. But because Red doesn't bring any money to the circus, the greedy Circus Master saw him as nothing but a burden and treats him like trash. Which allows circus members to bully and abuse him.

    For the most part, everyone just ignores him. But Cosmov, a clown performing or the circus, likes to let out his frustration towards Red and blame Red for all of his mistakes. He's especially abusive and cruel towards Red. And since he just lost his number 1 spot in the circus to the new clown, Mana, he became even more aggressive towards Red.

    Despite Cosmov's violence, Red refuse to give in and was determined to survive and one day, leave the Circus to live on his own. After Red was aggressively beaten by Cosmov and was denied food from the Circus Master, Red decided to stroll outside of the circus to ease his pain. There, he met a boy who was interested in Red, thinking that Red perform as part of the Circus. He lament to Red of how lucky Red was, being part of the circus and getting to travel into all sorts of places.

    Red thought to himself of how wrong the boy was and how miserable his life actually is. That's when Red decided to show the boy his deformed red arm. Seeing Red's arm, the boy ran in terror. It's not something that hasn't happen to Red before. In fact, people shun Red all the time. But no matter how many times Red seen this, it still hurts Red to know that nobody out there cares about Red. And that he is truly alone. Red clench his chest in silence as he thought about this.

    Afterwards, Red return to the circus, only to find all the props he's cleaned laying around everywhere in a huge mess. At first, he thought it was Cosmov who did it. But then, he discover that it was a dog. The dog was a clown dog which Red recognize to be own by the new Clown that came to the circus. Seeing Red, the dog quickly grab a ball in his mouth and ran outside. Knowing that Red will be beaten and deny of food if a single ball were to be missing, he ran after the dog, shouting for it to stop.

    Despite Red's effort, the distant between him and the dog continue to increase. Having been beaten by Cosmov and denied of food, Red fell into the deep snow. All he could think about is how he'd be beaten once the Circus Master discover the missing ball. And how hungry he'd be if he goes another day without food. But as he lay on the snow, he became to tired to even care. One thought came to his mind, perhaps if he were to die in the snow, all his suffering would be gone.

    Just when Red was about to give up, he felt a ball hit the back of his head. He look up and find the dog in front of him. The dog gave him an eager posture. That's when he realize that the dog wanted to play with him. Anger, he took the ball and threw it as hard as he could. But the dog was able to catch it perfectly in mid air. Surprise at the dog performance, Red threw the ball again. And again, the dog caught it.

    Before Red notice, he was having fun playing with the dog. And his feeling of pain and hunger slowly melted away.

    The next day, Red continued his work as the one who does odd jobs. Meanwhile, avoiding Cosmov anger fits and other circus members. But when he is alone, the dog he played with would sometimes visit him. Even though Red ignored the dog every time, the dog would just sit in silence next to Red as Red does odd jobs.

    Despite shunning the dog, in truth, all Red wanted to do is play and pat it. But Red knew better not to. The dog is not own by Red but a clown. Sooner or later, the clown is gonna leave the circus and move on to another. That's just the kind of environment that Circus has. People come a go. If Red becomes attach to the dog, it would only hurt when the dog leaves with its owner.

    Even though Red liked the dog a lot, even though the dog is the first thing that Red ever encounter to bring Red happiness, Red knew that opening his heart to the dog will only open an even bigger wound later on. Thus, Red resist the urge to be with the dog. But even so, the dog continue to visit Red.

    One day, while cleaning props, Red was intrude by Cosmov who blame Red for his failed performance. He squish the ball he used forcefully onto Red's face, saying that it is because Red is dirty and didn't do a good job in cleaning the ball that he failed.

    Red knew why Cosmov was more angry than usual. He's lost his number 1 spot to the new clown and his dog. And seeing how good they are, Cosmov might not get his number 1 spot back.

    Before Cosmov beat Red, he stop to think for a moment and force Red to follow him outside. There, he gave Red a bag of broken glass. Since he notice that Red was close to the dog, he wanted Red to mix the broken glass into the dog's food. If the dog die, Cosmov would surely get his number 1 spot back.

    Red look at the bag. If he do this, Cosmov would probably stop bothering him for a while. It would save him a lot of trouble with the Circus Master and he can eat in peace. But Red remember the dog. The warmth he felt when he played with the dog and the warmth of the dog's breath when the dog stayed beside him.

    In that instant, Red knew that no matter what, Red would not hurt the dog. He refused Cosmov and said no. Angry, Cosmov begin to beat Red into a pulp. He kicked Red so hard in the stomach that the pain Red felt made him lost conscious. But Red was determine to say no even Cosmov kills him. Before Red lost conscious completely, he heard the voice of a dog parking and Cosmov voice howling in pain.

    When Red awoken, he found himself laying outside. As he got up, he remembered what happen. He remember the dog's park and Cosmov howling in pain. Afraid that Cosmov might have killed the dog, Red slowly got up as his body shakes in pain and he made his way towards the circus as fast as he could.

    When he got to the circus, he sigh in relief as he saw the dog alive and well. The dog was performing with its owner on the stage. As Red watch the dog and his owner, Red was filled with amazement and excitement. But at the same time, he was overcome with grief and sadness as well.

    Seeing the dog and its owner perform, Red realize just how different of a world that the dog and him lived in. The dog and its owner was on the spot light with everyone loving and praising them. Meanwhile, Red was shun and hated by everyone.

    Looking at the performance and the audience, Red realize how much he yearn for such love. How jealous and envious he was at the dog and its owner. But Red knew that he would never be in the same world as the Dog and its owner.

    That is when Red decide that he should cut all ties with the dog. He knew that if he remain with the dog and continue to see its light, it would cause him to be too envious to live with the miserable darkness that he knew.

    After the performance, the dog saw Red at the back of the stage. And seeing Red, it quickly move towards Red with excitement. But confused and hurt, Red swing his leg at the dog. The dog gave a hurtful bark as Red's feet meets its stomach.

    Seeing that the dog was hurt and not knowing what to do, Red quickly ran out of the circus. As he ran way, he keep telling himself that things were better this way. Afterwards, the dog stop visiting Red. Even though it pains Red, Red quietly suppress it, telling himself that it's for the best.

    The next day, after coming back from shopping for supply with the Chief, Red found the dog laying beside the heater. It look very weak like it's sick. Red then recall the kick he gave the dog yesterday. Worried that the kick might have cause the Dog to be heavily injured, Red slowly approach it. But then Red remember that he already decided to to be involve with the dog.

    After debating against himself, Red decided to approach the dog. He slowly pat the dog, pleading with all his heart for the dog to get well. The patting cause the dog to wake up. When the dog saw Red's deformed arm, the dog lick Red's hand like it would any normal hand.

    The hand that everyone hates and the hand that makes everyone shun him was licked by the dog. The dog didn't care about Red's arm and like Red anyway. Red was filled with happiness.

    After licking Red's hand, the sound of the circus ring, signalling that the performance is about to start. Hearing the sound, the dog quickly got up and rush towards the stage. Seeing that the dog was okay, Red smile in relief.

    It's Christmas. As Red continue his odd job, he found the dog's owner sitting next the the tree outside the circus. He did not want to approach the clown cause he assume the clown will be disgusted at his arm or order him around like others in the circus. But looking at how lifeless the clown is, Red decided to approach him.

    But as Red got closer, he was immediately shock at the sight he saw. In front of the clown was a hole. And inside that hole lies the dog, lifeless and dead. Red look at the clown who's eyes were bright yellow. Looking closer, the dog looks like it was beaten to death.

    Red surmise that it was Cosmov who did it and told the clown. But despite knowing, the clown just sat there feeling sad. Angry, Red yell a the clown, asking the clown why he doesn't want revenge. The clown reply that the dog was old and would probably die soon anyway.

    Looking how the clown didn't shed a single tears or even show any sign of anger, Red felt disappointed and regret ever showing remorse or admiration towards him. That's when the clown turn his attention towards Red.

    He ask why Red would care so much about the dog. Red didn't answer. But the tears that falls from Red's eyes as Red look at the dogs grave told the clown that the dog was a dear friend of Red.

    That's when the clown comfort Red and thank Red for being Allen's friend. This is the first time in the novel in which the dog's name was revealed as "Allen." Red continue to cry next to the clown until he falls asleep. When Red awoken, he realize that he was being carry by the clown. The clown carry Red back to his tent and cared for Red until Red was warm.

    Afterwards, the clown had Red help him distributing Circus Flyers in the middle of the street. The other performers were showing off their skills as they pass out Flyers. Then, there was a boy crying next to his mom and wouldn't stop. That's when the clown pull out a balloon in his sleeve and made a balloon dog for the boy. The boy stop crying and smile.

    As this happen, other boys from the street came rushing towards the clown, asking the clown to make them a balloon dog. Red look towards the Clown while distributing flyers. That's when the Clown decided to perform and started to do tricks.

    After the clown finish, he pointed his fingers towards Red, shifting the audience attention. Red was shock in confusion but after the Clown taunt him, he was determine to perform and did a forward flip. The audience clap in appraisal at Red's performance. It was the first time in Red's life for people to cheer at Red like that. Red was filled with happiness.

    Red and the clown continue to perform together. When they are done, the clown handed Red a hat and Red held the at forward to the audience. Some of them put money into the hat to Red's surprise. For the first time in Red's life, the things Red do was acknowledge and praise by other people.

    But Red's moment of happiness didn't last long as a man in a priest suit clad in black approach Red. He had long red hair and a silver mask covering half of his face. He asked for Red's name. Red did not reply. He then ask if Red's name is "Allen". But Red thought to himself that "Allen" was the dogs name and not his.

    But the man replied that "Allen" was not a dog as though he's reading Red's mind. He then say that if "Allen" is not Red's name then its fine. But he warned Red not to get close to Mana. (Note that this is the first time Mana's name was mentioned in the novel.)

    Afterwards, the man disappear into the crowd. Red then saw the clown, asking if the clown new someone named Mana. The clown look at Red in surprise, asking how Red knew his name. Red told him of the priest, causing Mana to run in frantic.

    Mana ran around the street, trying to find the priest. Mana was so focus on finding the priest that he almost got run over by a horse cart. But luckily, Red was able to pull him back before an accident happen.

    Red harshly scolded Mana for his stupidity. Mana wanted to continue to look for the priest but the sun was about to set and the performance was about to begin.

    Red ask why Mana was so determine to find the priest. Mana replied that the priest might had been his long lost brother. Mana told Red this as he wash his face of the dirt when he fell and his make up along with it. (Note that this is the first time Mana's true face was revealed in the novel.)

    A sharp nose with wrinkly face that showed his age. But more importantly, bright glittering yellow eyes. Seeing Mana's face, Red can't help but stare. That's when Mana reveal to Red that even though he looks like a middle age man, he's actually only 17 years old.

    Red mock him in disbelief but Mana continue his story. He told Red that when he woke up one day, he was a middle age man despite remembering clearly his youth from the day before. And that he had a little brother. But when he woke up, his little brother was no where to be found. He's been searching for his brother sense.

    He also told Red that he's being chase by a man name the Millennium Earl and would certainly be killed if he is capture. He then explain to Red the Millennium Earl is a monster who can create Akuma out of people's sadness.

    While saying this, Mana's reaction to Red image that of a child, which makes Red think that Mana has a screw lose in the head. After cleaning themselves, they went back to the circus.

    At the circus, Mana and Red was confronted by Cosmov. Cosmov, who killed Allen, thought for sure that Mana will be in a state of sadness and would not be able to perform. But Mana look fine which adds on to Cosmov anger.

    As Red approach Cosmov, he ask angrily if Cosmov was the one who killed Allen. Cosmov reply sarcastically and call out to all the other performance. He then announce that Red was the one who killed the dog. Cosmov explain that Red wanted to take the dog's place at Mana's side and that's why Red killed the dog. The proof is Red's performance with Mana at the street today.

    Angry, Red quickly launch himself at Cosmov. He strike as hard as he could at Cosmov with his deform hand. But just before he could land a punch on Cosmov, Mana step in and the blow landed on Mana instead. Light shard spew off of Mana's head and disappear into the air as the blow landed.

    Mana's head was bleeding from the blow as he fell down to the ground. He then told Red to not resort to violence for violence create sadness and sadness attracts the Millennium Earl. Angry, Red got on top of Mana and continue to hit Mana for protecting Cosmov. Light shard and blood continue to fly off of Mana's head as Red beats him with his deform hand.

    The circus crew and the Circus Master manage to pull Red away and lock him in the cell with beast for the Freak Show. Meanwhile, at the circus state, a fat man with a tall hat entered stage front and bowed towards the crowd. He summoned his monster and attack the audience and the circus performers. Everyone was screaming and running in a panic. And in the midst of all the commotion, the priest with red hair stand inside the crowd. He pulled his gun to fight off the fat man with the tall hat.

    On Red's side, inside the cell, there was another beast in there. Red knew right away then that he was going to be killed. But before the beast killed Red, a yellow winged ball chew threw the bar and attack the beast. Red quickly got out of the cell. Beneath him, the Circus Master and the chief lies unconscious. And in front of him lies the red hair priest he met the other day.

    The priest yell at Red for not heading his warning about staying away from Mana. He then pull his gun in attempt to take Red's life. But the yellow wing beast attack the priest. The priest then decided not to kill Red and disappear into darkness.

    Afraid, Red escape the circus. He wanted to go check on Mana but was afraid the priest will kill him. The next day, Red came back the circus to find Mana there. Mana was in a tattered clown sit and his head was cover in blood from the day before.

    When Red call out to Mana, Mana smile at Red. But the weird thing is that Mana keep referring to Red as "Allen." No matter how much Red explain to Mana that Red is not Allen and that Allen is dead, Mana just keep referring to Red as "Allen".

    Mana then told Red that he think he was looking for something but he seems to have forgotten what it was. That is when Red realize that he must have damage Mana's head when he hit Mana with his deformed arm. Mana seems to have completely forgotten about the fact that he's searching for his little brother and that Allen was dead.

    This person, who was the first person to show that Red could live in the light. This person who cared for Red and is full of kindness has lost himself because of Red. Red has destroyed the only person who's ever been kind to him.

    Overcome with guilt, Red ask Mana to take Red with him. He promise Mana that he will be by Mana's side and remember what Mana has forgotten. That is what Red has decided. His meaning and his purpose in life will be to become Mana's Allen.

    On that day, Red was no more. On that day.... Allen's story begins.

    Aisama April 27, 2019 2:35 am

    Thank you so much for sharing!! TT^TT My heart hurt for Red.

    Shindere April 28, 2019 12:19 am
    @ShindereThank you so much for sharing!! TT^TT My heart hurt for Red. Aisama

    This explains why Allen cares so much about Mana and why he was so devastated when Mana was gone. Mana was such a big part of his life that he had to talk and act like Mana in order to live on.

    But with the way the story seems to be going, it seems like Mana's feelings for Allen stems from his connection with Nea and not Allen himself. Then there is the other theory about there being a character name "Allen" that help Nea in the past as well.

    I really wished that the Allen we know and love is really just a stranger who met Mana by coincidence instead of him having a special connection with Mana that lead them to each other.

    If Allen is just a stranger then the memories Allen have with Mana would all be genuine and true. If there relationship was cause by other connections then that would undermine everything from The Lost Fragment of Snow.

    Which would seems to becoming the case. Cause right now, instead of valuing his memories with Mana, Allen is slowly reverting back to Red because he felt like the memories he have with Mana are fake.

    If that was the case then I'd want Allen to form a bond with someone else that will be stronger and more meaningful than his Bond with Mana. Otherwise, I'll feel like sh!t that Hoshino will just forsake Allen's bond with Mana like that.

    Personally speaking, I'd want Allen to form that bond with Kanda. Mainly because he and Kanda are so much alike.

    Shindere April 28, 2019 12:21 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! AnimeLaLaLover

    Sorry for the typos and the grammar. I wrote this very late so my mind wasn't working as well as it should.

    Yuki chan June 1, 2019 5:11 pm
    If you want me to tell you the story, here it is. I'll tell you the best that I can remember.~"Spoiler Alert!!!!"~Lost Fragment of Snow:In the novel, Red is an abandon child who was presumably sold to the Circu... Shindere

    Thank you so much for sharing this ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ