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"Marriage is about spending the rest of your life with somebody else." No one seems to get...

Anonymous May 4, 2019 6:33 am

"Marriage is about spending the rest of your life with somebody else." No one seems to get it at all, though. Sometimes marriage is treated so lightly it's like an extended, more expensive version of dating, because people seem to find divorce something easy to do.
I understand, sometimes, it can't be helped:
Arranged marriages without any love,
An abusive partner, A partner who cheats all the time, a couple who is not happy...
There are so many reasons why people wish to get rid of this marriage. But it's this that makes me wonder what makes marriage special, then? I'd really like to believe those pretty words, but the world is not as convenient and fanciful. Then again, this is fiction, and if we're going to call anything fanciful, it has been fanciful from the start anyways. Not everyone lives happily ever after, after marriage. It took me years to realize that. Nonetheless, I still can't help but frown upon how easy it is for some people to divorce their partners as if one was breaking up only. Espe ially if there is a child involved. In some countries, divorce is the norm, but somewhere in my flowery mind, I do still hold the ideal that marriage is for life, and it is done with your most precious person only. If not love, if not happiness, then at least the vow you made to each other, at least the promise that you made in front of everyone... the heartfelt promises you exchanged as you truly felt like the world belonged to you at that moment. That's why it can't be done with a mere fancy. A mere whim. A mere, "it works out for us" or "he/she's not a bad partner", or "I think I love him/her and don't want to let him/her go" without ascertaining everything first. Missed chances are missed chances, but marriage is not a simple game of love.
Maybe I'm just an embittered soul, but even if I don't know everything, and my mind tells me a lot about what can be considered, my heart still stubbornly refuses to acknowledge otherwise.
Despite all these words, all I really mean to say is that Marriage is not a simple matter that some people think is easy. But I would still like to believe that somewhere out there, some people fall in love, marry, and live happily ever after together.
"Wake up! Grow up!" The world says. But it's not essy to wake up someone who is awake but refuses to open their eyes, not to mention, it's hard to snap out love as well, right? No matter how bad their partners are, sometimes they just can't help but love the other person, no matter what everyone else says. Just like me. And honestly, I don't want to change that. It's not very wrong to dream, right?
