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I'm not going to lie and say that I don't care what everyone else says, because I do care....

Anonymous May 4, 2019 6:58 am

I'm not going to lie and say that I don't care what everyone else says, because I do care. However, I'll still say it: I don't like the girl in Ch.3. Sure, it works out fine because she's a main character and because the guy likes her, but that's basically emotional blackmail, one of the kinds I despise a lot, too. I get that you want him to stay by your side, but would you like guilt to be the one binding him to you, instead of love? What if he loved someone and only had to stay with you out of responsibility, that would hurt you, him, and the girl he likes if she liked him back!
On one hand, you're loved, and you're the main character, but on the other hand, the supposed villain in this story was right! If one switched around the characters a little bit, she could very well be the annoying villainess in stories who blackmails the male lead so that he can't be with the girl he loves.
I know selfishness is something that is human nature, but that barely excuses the pain these people inflict put of the dumb excuse of, "I can't help it, I like him." Everyone wants to love and be loved, but if you truly love him, fight for his love fairly, like a normal person! Even if you're not confident, you don't have to hurt him like that!
