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wasted May 8, 2019 4:10 pm

glasses guy is the main love interest yet he hasn't appeared in forever we stan an iconic ghost

    J4sm1n4 May 8, 2019 8:28 pm

    i dont think he is the main love interest i think hyoudo is the main love interest cuz he is the best guy for yuki.

    wasted May 8, 2019 8:49 pm
    i dont think he is the main love interest i think hyoudo is the main love interest cuz he is the best guy for yuki. J4sm1n4

    but girl he's like 10 years older

    genoslover May 9, 2019 5:13 am
    but girl he's like 10 years older wasted

    lmao same thats what I've been sayinggg

    wasted May 9, 2019 6:58 pm
    lmao same thats what I've been sayinggg genoslover

    yeah like hyoudo was already playing fortnite when yuki was born lol

    J4sm1n4 May 9, 2019 7:56 pm
    but girl he's like 10 years older wasted

    ur point?

    wasted May 10, 2019 4:07 pm
    ur point? J4sm1n4

    yuki being underage, hyoudo being like 30, unbalanced relationship, pedophilia, all that

    J4sm1n4 May 10, 2019 7:21 pm
    yuki being underage, hyoudo being like 30, unbalanced relationship, pedophilia, all that wasted

    Unbalanced? Hyoudo treats him like he is the most important person to him while glasses tried o force himself on him. And he is 16 so its legal if thats ur concern. I wouldnt even mind if he was younger if it was consensual, love doesnt have a number.

    wasted May 11, 2019 4:15 pm
    Unbalanced? Hyoudo treats him like he is the most important person to him while glasses tried o force himself on him. And he is 16 so its legal if thats ur concern. I wouldnt even mind if he was younger if it w... J4sm1n4

    Unbalanced because a grown adult and a kid can't even be near close to have a similar level of maturity nor emotional intelligence even if hyoudo treats him nice -which can be bc he cares for him, not bc he's romantically interested-.

    A 16 y/o being legal doesn't make the relationship right.
    14 y/o kids were legal back in the day -even now in some countries- and we all agree adults marrying kids is messed up.

    'Love doesn't have a number' is said to your 50 y/o aunt, who haven't found the love of her life yet, to encourage her not to give up; not to a 30 y/o man so he can fuck a 16 y/o kid.

    J4sm1n4 May 11, 2019 7:45 pm
    Unbalanced because a grown adult and a kid can't even be near close to have a similar level of maturity nor emotional intelligence even if hyoudo treats him nice -which can be bc he cares for him, not bc he's r... wasted

    maturity heh. if he understands what sex is i dont have a problem. Yuki has experienced lots of shit already but that made him mature also so its alright.

    right in whose eyes? only the people who are inept and dont understand what love is. imo 16 is mature enough to make their own decisions and their own mistakes. i would have a problem is a 40 year old seduced a 13 year old but 16 year old is alright. they already understand what sex is and stuff.

    wasted May 12, 2019 10:54 am
    maturity heh. if he understands what sex is i dont have a problem. Yuki has experienced lots of shit already but that made him mature also so its alright. right in whose eyes? only the people who are inept and ... J4sm1n4

    One thing is understanding sex, another thing is being mature enough to do it and another one is being in a safe healthy relationship. The power unbalance in a relationship with that much age difference is too big to even be healthy.

    Yuki has being raped multiple times, he knows what abuse is, not sex. You can't understand something no one has taught you, and no one has taught this kid.

    Going trough a lot of shit as you grow up doesn't make you as mature as a 30 y/o man -who has also gone trough a lot, so in fact, is waaaay more mature-, it only gives you traumas.

    16 is definitely not mature enough to be with a dude 14 years older, as well as a 30y/o wouldn't even be attracted to someone THAT young, they'd see them as little kids -and if they are into kids that's a big red flag-.

    J4sm1n4 May 12, 2019 12:13 pm
    One thing is understanding sex, another thing is being mature enough to do it and another one is being in a safe healthy relationship. The power unbalance in a relationship with that much age difference is too ... wasted

    good thing a healthy relationship according to you would be with someone his age that tried to abuse him and not with someone who actually appreciates him.

    power unbalance dont make me laugh. i dont know in what century u live in but sugar daddys are pretty popular in this one. Age gap doesnt make relationship unbalanced, the only way relationship is unbalanced is if someone abuses the other and hyoudo didnt. he only helped yuki and will risk his life to help him more.

    Just because he was rapped doesnt mean he became inept and doesnt understand what love is. He had mother and father so he clearly knows what love is and how easily u can lose it.

    he is taking care of his brother living alone, working. I think that makes him a full fledged adult. Trumas can be overcome with the help of good people that dont try to abuse u.

    oh spare me ur moral shit. If he know what he wants, how to get it and is not afraid he can do whatever he wants. Yuki is experienced enough even tho most of the time he was being abused. 16 is not young and 16 is not a kid. its borderline adult.

    wasted May 13, 2019 3:38 pm
    good thing a healthy relationship according to you would be with someone his age that tried to abuse him and not with someone who actually appreciates him.power unbalance dont make me laugh. i dont know in what... J4sm1n4

    when did i even say i would like him to be with someone his age that tried to abuse him lol

    girl, having a sugar daddy is literal prostitution wth! you ok with selling your body to a 50 y/o dude????
    Sugar daddies are some creepy dudes buying consent and it is neither popular nor legal.

    Age gap do make relationships unhealthy due to power imbalance you just have to google some studies to get a confirmation.
    Stop thinking love will save the day bc real life's harder than that, relationships are not just love.

    Love and sex are NOT the same thing! you can't compare loving your mother with fucking a guy

    He may be more mature than a normal boy his age, but he is still not at the same level of a 30 y/o man.
    And traumas do not disappear with just love, stop romanticizing mental illnesses...

    I mean at least my moral shit does not defend creepy relationships with minors.
    16 can not be an adult when -depending on the country- it's in between 18-21. And if we're talking about Japan, it's 20 so he's not close to being a adult lol
    Plus -psychologically- you're still consider a young adult in between 20-30, before that you're just a teenager trying to figure out life so LMAO.

    But go off, I guess. If you want to support huge age gap relationships that's up to you but don't normalize them.

    Tiramisu May 15, 2019 12:36 am
    but girl he's like 10 years older wasted

    Nope, more like 20 - 25 years older. He was already yakuza when yuki was born and yuki's mom fell in love with him back when yuki was a baby.

    wasted May 17, 2019 10:54 am
    Nope, more like 20 - 25 years older. He was already yakuza when yuki was born and yuki's mom fell in love with him back when yuki was a baby. Tiramisu

    oh wow that's even worse (° Д °)

    SugarSalad June 4, 2019 10:33 pm
    i dont think he is the main love interest i think hyoudo is the main love interest cuz he is the best guy for yuki. J4sm1n4

    hyoudou hasnt shown any sign of romantic interest. Yuki has shown a little but on hyoudou's part its absolutly zero. All i see is his concern and affection towards yuki as a young child who needs protection.

    Tiramisu June 5, 2019 5:54 pm
    hyoudou hasnt shown any sign of romantic interest. Yuki has shown a little but on hyoudou's part its absolutly zero. All i see is his concern and affection towards yuki as a young child who needs protection. SugarSalad

    I second that. He comes across as the nice "ajhusshi" character who wants to take care of the hurt child and become a father figure. It makes all the more sense now considering his history with Yuki's parents.