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I knew something wasn't right

KNS May 10, 2019 12:47 pm

Can't stand characters/people like Aoi. Using peoples kindness or Empathy against them (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 Trash

    Anon_aug May 31, 2019 5:35 am

    Characters like that are infuriating.

    HaJime September 11, 2019 9:35 pm

    To be fair, he was child dying of a terminal illness. I think he gets to be a little selfish.

    KNS September 14, 2019 11:58 am
    To be fair, he was child dying of a terminal illness. I think he gets to be a little selfish. HaJime

    No, it's unfair to tie people down knowing your life is coming to the end. If i was in his situation I would want my loved one to be happy, even if the thought of them moving on is more painful than the pain i'm in

    HaJime September 14, 2019 1:25 pm
    No, it's unfair to tie people down knowing your life is coming to the end. If i was in his situation I would want my loved one to be happy, even if the thought of them moving on is more painful than the pain i'... KNS

    Unfair, yes. But understandable. Most high school kids don't have the maturity to let go, let alone one who is dying and scared and desperate not to be alone.

    Merenda November 15, 2019 3:55 pm
    Unfair, yes. But understandable. Most high school kids don't have the maturity to let go, let alone one who is dying and scared and desperate not to be alone. HaJime

    I must agree. When you are about to die and you are only 16 how can you have the maturity and coolness to realize that you are using your misfortune in a bad way? And in the end he felt sorry. We should give him a break, living some months of happiness before dying was not such a bad thing. And the guys reunited at the end. And as the uke said there is a chance that if they were a couple back then Aoi 's death could separate them. All well at the end.