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A really long observation on chapter 31...

Frencybayeta May 31, 2019 10:06 am

I’d like to comment the last chapter of this story, since my opinion about the situation is absolutely different from the rest of you.
Talking about Joowon, we mainly know him through Heasoo’s perspective and thoughts, also through some of his actions.
It’s clear that he is a young man full of himself, selfish but also sweet, like Heasoo himself described him in the first chapter.
Choi Joowon is also a huge bastard and he clearly knows it, he is pushy, he likes to tease, to provoke, to fluster people, especially Heasoo.
He takes most of the things lightly, and it seems like nothing can really touch or hurt him with his smiles and smirks constantly imprinted on his face.
As a result of his nature, I think that the episode in the car was a bit misunderstood.
Joowon to convince Heasoo to give him a blowjob is pushy, dominant and stubborn, like always (Heasoo also adds playful in the description, but it’s okay).
If you think carefully about it, their relationship was like this since the beginning.
I’m not saying that this behaviour is right, I’m just stating a fact, that is proven by Heasoo himself in the first chapters and also in the last one.
Joowon provokes him, he forces him and Heasoo at the beginning resists than lets Joowon having his way without anymore objection.
That’s how their relationship always worked and we are talking about years, in which Heasoo did absolutely nothing to change it or gave any signal that the situation was shit for him (this affirmation wasn’t meant to guilt Heasoo, it’s just a fact and I hope it’s clear, they are both at fault) ; in chapter 9 Heasoo clearly says ‘despite knowing what I was getting myself into... I still always gave the same response’.
Apart from that, I read about people saying that Joowon is a simply fuckboy that treats Heasoo as a whore for the way he asks for the blowjob, they call him abusive, a total scumbag.
After the so called forced blowjob, Joowon is more than willing to give Heasoo the same treatment, but the protagonist refused.
I’m sorry but an abusive person wouldn’t have react like Joowon after the rejection.
It’s okay if you don’t like Joowon, but he isn’t abusive, he simply has this kind of attitude.
He is an asshole, incapable of empathy, insistent, vulgar and straightforward with words but that doesn’t make him abusive.
In fact when Haesoo says to stop and is clearly serious, pushing him away, Joowon simply stops with a surprise expression on his face and I think it’s quiet normal because after years of unchanged relationship (like 9 years), a sudden modification is a bit unexpected; even the protagonist realises that, using the sentence ‘It’s no surprise that Joowon responded that way. It hadn’t been a problem before’.
But the real matter starts with Heasoo’s question :’why do you walk all over me?’ and Joowon replays with:’Me? Walk all over you? This is how we always been’; at this point hell has opened up.
In my point of you, Jiwoon’s replay wasn’t like ‘Me? Stepping all over you? I always done it and you didn’t complain’, but was more like ‘Me? Stepping all over you? We always share this kind of relationship so what is the issue now?’.
To explain better, I’ll give an example: If I’m in a relationship with you and when I behave A because I’m like this (it’s in my nature), you keep responding with B without complaining for years, the moment you decide, all of a sudden to replay with a C maybe you could leave me a bit dumbstruck. Just a little bit. Because it’s quite clear that Joowon’s expression at Haesoo’s refusual is absolutely shocked because apparently he never done this before.
He is confused and he doesn’t understand.
With this I’m not saying that Heasoo should have accepted it, or that is wrong to change when actually you are not okay with the situation, I’m just explaining that it’s normal to react this way when your used to something and then it changes unexpectedly without heads up.
Every one would’ve react this way.
To sum up, Joowon’s assertion wasn’t that sleazy like many of you intended.
That’s what I think considering their relationship, Joowon’s attitude and Haesoo’s thoughts.
I want to make clear that with my opinion I’m not trying to sugarcoat or justify Joowon’s behaviour, there is nothing to excuse, I’m just explaining facts and especially what I got when I read this chapter.
I think that some people are exaggerating over this character, like now every word he speaks and every move he makes is abuse or that everything in Heasoo’s life is a mess because of him.
I agree that he is an actual asshole, he has a lot of flaws but that doesn’t make him a totally bad person.
There are plenty of people like him, I’m not personally one of them, but with this I’m not gaining the right to point them as simply shitty people.
We are just at the begging of the story, maybe the author will show us some more about this character, maybe Joowon will change, he will evolve into a better person or maybe he will remain the same cocky bastard all smiles and shit or he eventually gets worse, abusive, like many of you are already calling him.
It’s too soon to know and to have a definitive opinion over him; at least it is what I think.
I repeat, so there will be no mistakes, I’m not justifying or supporting Joowon and Heasoo’s relationship as it is, that’s not the purpose of my comment.
I actually have a soft spot for the enemy to lovers dynamic, but that doesn’t imply that I’m unable to understand when there’s a problem in a relationship.
They have lots of issues and I hope the author will show us more flashbacks to help us understanding better their past; I’m really looking forward to it, I’m interested.

If it’s not obvious, I also want to add that I like Joowon as a character and I have no shame in saying so.
It’s just a story, and I think that a lot of people here are being excessively offensive without a real reason.
Just because I like Joowon, it doesn’t mean that I have a boyfriend like him, that I’m okay being forced, that I search that kind of man in my life or that I’m just a fujoshit.
You don’t know me, in the same way you don’t know the other people which share my taste.
It’s childish offending someone by a simple choice.
This story isn’t entirely developed as I explained before, so I think it is a bit too soon to judge this badly the character himself, but especially to insult someone because of him. Like really?
We are here to exchange opinions and to have healthy discussions, if I don’t see what you see, what is the issue? Am I not allowed to? Do I deserve to be insulted for this?
For someone like me isn’t a problem if you want to insult, but there are people out there that can be hurt, or feel ashamed just because they like a character that the majority doesn’t approve, it’s depressing and unfair because they also get offended for that.
Fortunately, we aren’t all the same and everybody should be free to express an opinion without fear.
On this website we only know the username and some words that we decide to share, nothing more, so why?
Like, it’s normal to think ‘oh God, this comment is annoying, I’m gonna dislike it’, or ‘I don’t agree with this person, I let her/him know what I think about this topic’.
That’s fine, perfect.
Discussions should be constructive.
If you don’t agree with me we are all fine, no problem at all.
There’s nor right nor wrong here, everybody is free to do whatever he/she wants, I just think that someone here should have been less mean in expressing their disagreement.

    Cute May 31, 2019 10:49 am

    Thank you. Your comment is not quite the same my thoughts but I feel fine because it is like an adult talking. Joowon and Haesoo's relationship has lasted for many years, we still don't know all that happened so don't rush to assert, every character's words or actions have reason.

    Lovehate May 31, 2019 11:24 am

    Well said to explain Joowon reaction in chap 31. I agree their relationship is almost like this from the begining, and "don't act what he wants" or provoking each other is how their relation works but what's happen in chap 31 is still makes me shock. Like, I can't imagine forcing a BJ and then giving it back are normal action between them for almost 6 years. It really makes his image worse in my eyes (who has neutral views for all 3 characters) and I hope their past in future chapters will show us the good reason. Besides, I am happy when Haesoo finally realizes he shouldn't maintain this situation anymore and wants to change. It would probably make Joowon change. Taku was originally a rather mysterious character, but what the author portrays him in chap 32 and 36 is very warm. Maybe so, it makes people (including me) judge Joowon's action more harshly.

    By the way, I think you absolutely have your right to like Joowon and discuss about him here. Look forwards to see what happen between 3 of them.

    Frencybayeta May 31, 2019 7:20 pm
    Thank you. Your comment is not quite the same my thoughts but I feel fine because it is like an adult talking. Joowon and Haesoo's relationship has lasted for many years, we still don't know all that happened s... Cute

    Thank you too for the intervention and for the understanding even though you don’t share my opinion.
    I did’t actually rush to assert, I’m sorry if that’s what I transmitted through my speech.
    I didn’t mean to.
    Actually I agree with you, the story isn’t entirely developed yet.
    We will see.

    Frencybayeta May 31, 2019 7:21 pm
    Well said to explain Joowon reaction in chap 31. I agree their relationship is almost like this from the begining, and "don't act what he wants" or provoking each other is how their relation works but what's ha... Lovehate

    I really understand why you’re shocked by Joowon’s behaviour, especially if you saw the raws with Taku.
    I have something to say about that, I hope you’re interested.
    Joowon with is bad temper is also a really egocentric person, without any doubt, but he seems quiet willing to receive but also to give when the metter is sex.
    The only problem is that he is so ‘generous’, only when he wants to be.
    If you compare chapter 3 and the last one, it’s clear what I want to explain (or at least I hope so).
    In fact in the third episode, at some point Joowon starts to kiss Heasoo, who like always protests a bit before surrounding, but then Joowon stops half way because he states that he is turn off by the hotel shampoo.
    What a poor excuse, considering the fact that he already smelled the scent minutes before.
    We don’t know the real reason behind this sudden change of opinion, but as we can see he stops because at that moment he didn’t want it anymore, leaving Heasoo absolutely pissed. A real selfish jerk yeah?
    Obviously I’m not excusing the action or the behaviour but it’s clear that Joowon, egocentric as he is, thinks that when he wants something is right to insist over it, and considering Heasoo’s responses during the years, somewhere along the line Joowon probably starts to think that this was actually a good tactic.
    I really don’t think that Joowon intended to be mean through that behaviour.
    I believe that this attitude of his, which is ‘I do what I want when I want to’ is a result from his past with Heasoo.
    In chapter 15 pages 14,15,16; Joowon makes some sort of jealousy outburst in which is obviously pissed, angry and sad but, the interesting part is the dialogue between the two stepbrothers, where Heasoo asks: ‘You don’t like it when I hang out with other guys, do you?’; and Joowon, in spite of being a very prideful guy, replies: ‘No. I hate that shit. Would you stop doing it if I told you not to?’ And then there’s the worst part of it, when Heasoo, with a smiley mocking face, answers: ‘You know what hyung? I fucking love it when you get angry ‘cause of me. So I’m not gonna listen to you.’
    I mean Joowon was equally bad, but this is a really mean thing to say, which gets worse with Heasoo’s giggle.
    I don’t think it is a case that Joowon often repeats this sentence, or that Heasoo himself keeps stating this demeanour.
    In chapter 24 page 2, Joowon says ‘Sorry Heasoo. But I don’t wanna do as you say, either’; then also in the last chapter ‘You don’t want it? Well, too bad. ‘Cause I only wanna do what you tell me not to.’
    Every time he thinks or says this phrase he always wear a smirk on his face like ‘You do remember this sentence, don’t you?’
    It could be just a case or maybe for Joowon those words were really harmful.
    This doesn’t justify nothing, but it could explain why Joowon keeps acting this way, using those words against Heasoo.
    I know that he may seem a total sloppy asshole, but he is human too and there’s a possibility that Heasoo’s past statement did hurt him more deeply than it seems.

    Sorry for blabbing so much, I hope that doesn’t bother you.
    Enjoy your night!
    Thanks for commenting and understanding my point of view.

    mango June 1, 2019 2:20 am

    THANK YOU. i completely agree. and i'm not a fan of joowon at all but i still think it's unfair for him to be 100% completely under the heat here.

    their relationship has been like this from the start. even though the bj may have been different from what we've seen in the past, we obviously havent seen everything so it's silly to assume this hasn't happened before.

    Cute June 1, 2019 3:39 am
    I really understand why you’re shocked by Joowon’s behaviour, especially if you saw the raws with Taku.I have something to say about that, I hope you’re interested.Joowon with is bad temper is also a real... Frencybayeta

    I agree. In my opinion, Joowon has also been deeply hurt from the past, thus affecting his words and actions now.

    In chapter 15 Joowon said "Haesoo, why pretend not to know? You made me like this"
    This is also a detail to note.

    Cute June 1, 2019 3:47 am
    Thank you too for the intervention and for the understanding even though you don’t share my opinion. I did’t actually rush to assert, I’m sorry if that’s what I transmitted through my speech.I didn’t ... Frencybayeta

    No, I'm not saying you rush to assert. I just talk about the story. I hope you understand ^^

    Frencybayeta June 1, 2019 10:52 am
    THANK YOU. i completely agree. and i'm not a fan of joowon at all but i still think it's unfair for him to be 100% completely under the heat here. their relationship has been like this from the start. even thou... mango

    Thank you too for the comment!
    Also thanks for the time you spent reading my endless speech.

    I hope the author will show us more, about this troublesome past.

    Frencybayeta June 1, 2019 10:59 am
    I agree. In my opinion, Joowon has also been deeply hurt from the past, thus affecting his words and actions now. In chapter 15 Joowon said "Haesoo, why pretend not to know? You made me like this"This is also a... Cute

    Yes! You’re absolutely right.
    This is also an important statement.
    I think it should be taken into account more often.

    Frencybayeta June 1, 2019 11:01 am
    No, I'm not saying you rush to assert. I just talk about the story. I hope you understand ^^ Cute

    Oh okay, I misunderstood your words yesterday.
    Sorry ╥﹏╥