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ObsidianGoddess July 16, 2019 8:46 pm

Does Gracito like the red head? Also this story doesn't make me happy very much anymore. I used to break my neck for an update and now it's like "oh yeah this story"

Am I the only one?

    fafa July 16, 2019 9:32 pm

    Not at all !! I'm so disappointed because the story is just not evolving anymore ..... there is nothing happing!!! (-.-) it just suddenly got boring T-T

    ObsidianGoddess July 16, 2019 10:24 pm
    Not at all !! I'm so disappointed because the story is just not evolving anymore ..... there is nothing happing!!! (-.-) it just suddenly got boring T-T fafa

    Thankyou I didn't want to be a hater lmao, I also don't care for anyone's personalities, the only person who didn't change is Perdel lmao.

    TaigaB July 16, 2019 11:03 pm

    Agreeed, I think it's bc at first she was trying to be smart and "survive" but now that she's safe there's no point in doing anything except just be spoiled lol

    TaigaB July 16, 2019 11:04 pm

    There also seemed to be a starting character development for Asisi too but now that's gone too - sad sad- ofc he's "better" now in a way but the only reason is bc he's buried everything and just obsesses over the princess

    ObsidianGoddess July 17, 2019 2:16 am
    There also seemed to be a starting character development for Asisi too but now that's gone too - sad sad- ofc he's "better" now in a way but the only reason is bc he's buried everything and just obsesses over t... TaigaB

    Yep exactly, all character development went down the drain. Everyone reverted to these basic tropes, and any love interest doesn't even like the princesses personality. I always thought she would be a mature princess but she's literally a short brat.

    ObsidianGoddess July 17, 2019 2:19 am
    Agreeed, I think it's bc at first she was trying to be smart and "survive" but now that she's safe there's no point in doing anything except just be spoiled lol TaigaB

    Totally. Now she literally acts so spoiled cause she knows she's secure, which is so dull because the entire story was her trying to survive her dads wrath. Now that's its gone what's the point, are we just waiting for her to marry the white haired guy because gracito clearly has no interest in her anymore. It's actually sad she turned out that way because it kind of seems like people are tired of her antics. She literally brought nothing of her previous knoledge into the world, she just exists.

    Tobe July 17, 2019 10:04 am
    Not at all !! I'm so disappointed because the story is just not evolving anymore ..... there is nothing happing!!! (-.-) it just suddenly got boring T-T fafa

    I feel the same way about it too. The hell is going on? The storyline getting dragged to nowhere?

    ObsidianGoddess July 17, 2019 11:12 am
    I feel the same way about it too. The hell is going on? The storyline getting dragged to nowhere? Tobe

    Literally this is not how I thought it would go. I thought she would explore her moms country, or find out literally anything about her mother. I thought the reason she was reincarnated would be known by now, or she would do something great for the kingdo,. She hasn't even helped her father. He seemed to have regressed because I don't remember him having these extreme fits of anger every week.

    fafa July 17, 2019 11:17 am
    Literally this is not how I thought it would go. I thought she would explore her moms country, or find out literally anything about her mother. I thought the reason she was reincarnated would be known by now, o... ObsidianGoddess

    So true!! I thought she was maybe gonna encounter some great adventures and danger or maybe that some new evil were going to appear!! But it all became some cute tail about a spoiled princess and her friend.... I am starting to feel really disappointed

    Tobe July 17, 2019 12:47 pm
    So true!! I thought she was maybe gonna encounter some great adventures and danger or maybe that some new evil were going to appear!! But it all became some cute tail about a spoiled princess and her friend....... fafa

    Tyeah and here I also thought that she'll discover if she has a magic or spirit power and if she has the capability of using it.. Since her mother was the Witch Princess and her father has Spirit blood. They said The clearer the silver red haired she has the more she has the spirit god blood plus red eyes and a true heir of the throne. According to her father bloodline Caitel has Spirit Gods blood as well as she also has it. The Spirit God is their kind of religion. So combining those two powers which she inherited from her parents, isn't she so powerful? And became sort of a goddess?

    Tobe July 17, 2019 12:52 pm
    Literally this is not how I thought it would go. I thought she would explore her moms country, or find out literally anything about her mother. I thought the reason she was reincarnated would be known by now, o... ObsidianGoddess

    Haha they should have entitled it then as Taming the Ruthless Emperor.. Lolo lol..

    Well aren't she doing some of her duties as a princess now? Ugh.. And here I was thinking that Caitel would never let her marry.. But I read some spoilers from the comments that she'll end up marrying Ahin. Isn't Ahin already an emperor in the north tho? What the hell? She could've marry Asisi instead.

    ObsidianGoddess July 18, 2019 2:12 am

    There was literally so much potential in the beginning for the princess to be bad ass, her parents are these magical legends. Remember she was supposed to be a curse as well, that's why she looks exactly like her father but they seem to just kick anything interesting from the plot. Literally her only live interest seems to be asisi since he's the only person who can stand her anymore (I know she will end up with the ice boy but still)

    fafa July 18, 2019 5:19 am

    Well hopefully it gonna get better real soon !! And maybe right now is just the peace before the huge storm !!!!

    Friendsweshallbecome July 19, 2019 3:06 am
    Well hopefully it gonna get better real soon !! And maybe right now is just the peace before the huge storm !!!! fafa

    I hope so too. I agree with everything everyone said. I felt there was so much more potential. None the less I dont mean to hate on the author (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Rinee July 23, 2019 12:20 pm

    Aw sorry I didn't get the right button, I wanted to like your post ┗( T﹏T )┛

    ObsidianGoddess July 24, 2019 4:28 am
    Aw sorry I didn't get the right button, I wanted to like your post ┗( T﹏T )┛ Rinee

    It's okay lmao