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Soooooo seme sabotaged all the uke’s relationships but got to go fuck around with others

Kai July 17, 2019 12:53 am

Soooooo seme sabotaged all the uke’s relationships but got to go fuck around with others

    Merenda August 23, 2019 10:48 pm

    They both had sex. If a girl likes you and get seduced so easily by someone else then she didn't like you much in the first place. And even that blonde girl admitted that she started the relationship because secretly she wanted to get close to Taiga. If a girl truly loved & wanted him noone will be able to make her leave him

    Mameiha September 14, 2019 9:14 am
    They both had sex. If a girl likes you and get seduced so easily by someone else then she didn't like you much in the first place. And even that blonde girl admitted that she started the relationship because se... Merenda

    Well said.