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Why don't the Japanese understand that not all Americans have blue eyes?

TBH January 25, 2014 7:38 am

Why don't the Japanese understand that not all Americans have blue eyes?

    Koika January 25, 2014 9:44 am

    Hey.... Let them have their fantasy...
    Its fun that way

    Kiochii April 10, 2014 6:49 am

    I have to agree with this comment. A majority of Americans have Brown eyes. (by a poll done by some major universities) but I guess they just base it purely off the European ancestors. WERE A MOSHPOSH!!! -jumps up and salutes- xD; Although there's more people with blue eyes here then there so why not? It really is a strong gene depending (lol)

    RayneC. April 25, 2014 3:19 am

    well to be honest in some parts of america most americans have blue eyes. where i live seeing a "white" person with anything other than blue eyes is really odd. almost everyone i know who is "white" has blue eyes, where i live its normal. but i one of my friends when she moved here pointed out that the blue eyes werent seen often where she lived. its also because in japan its not so much americans having blue eyes and light hair, its westerners in general. they sometimes call foreigners or europeans even if they come from the US. thats just how they associate things. america does it too. african americans are thought to have really dark skin, alot dont. asians have dark hair and dark eyes, not all do. its just the association that people have on other ethnicities.

    Miya July 11, 2014 7:12 am

    Hi, I'm Japanese. Japanese know that all Americans don't have blue eyes. Don't you have Japanese friends? Please ask them what they think since I assume you guys love manga from Japan. Most mangas have been fantasy, not real since a long time ago. Manga is manga.

    AoiChan July 26, 2014 6:03 am

    Uhmm.... excuse me it's only a FANTASY (google define Fanatsy) so hope you understand the meaning of it!

    Actually I am 1/4 Japenese, 1/4 Chinese and 1/2 Filipino but to think like that >.> I'm not narrow-minded to apply that to reality lmao! Fantasy is Fantasy its vast like a Blue-Sky. ne?

    Blue December 28, 2014 8:23 am

    It does seem that in just about every manga, not just yaoi, all Americans are light haired with blue eyes and often with odd tans if they are from a southern part of the United States. I'm pale skinned, with dark brown hair and green eyes.

    HoTUkEAsS September 25, 2023 6:58 pm
    It does seem that in just about every manga, not just yaoi, all Americans are light haired with blue eyes and often with odd tans if they are from a southern part of the United States. I'm pale skinned, with da... Blue

    Well, it’s like that image yk? And I don’t think Americans should be saying that Asians have the wrong image of them bc Americans say stuff and imitate Asians in a disrespectful way. I’m not saying that all of them do but some also have images of Asians that are not entirely true. And maybe the author should have written Sweden instead of America bc swedes are more likely to have blue eyes and in fact, almost every swede I’ve ever met has had blue eyes. (I know that bc I’ve lived there over 8 years). And about the light hair thing, a lot Americans usually have light hair when they’re young but as they grow older it becomes darker and a lot of them usually bleach they’re hair afterwards to make it lighter. (I have many American friends and have been there like a bazillion times so I know). But another thing I think is that maybe authors give them light hair and blue eyes to make them stand out more from the rest of the characters (just a theory). And since manga is in black and white, you don’t really know if they have light hair unless you see coloured illustrations bc sometimes when a character has brown hair, in the manga it’s just white and not even toned. So maybe in this case, since we didn’t see any coloured illustrations, we don’t really know if the character has brown or blonde hair.

    Blue September 27, 2023 6:15 pm
    Well, it’s like that image yk? And I don’t think Americans should be saying that Asians have the wrong image of them bc Americans say stuff and imitate Asians in a disrespectful way. I’m not saying that a... HoTUkEAsS

    This starts off very ignorant. Americans can absolutely say someone has the wrong image of them. I know this might be a shock since it sounds like you don't live here but not all Americans are white. In fact they account for somewhere in the high 40% range of the population of the United States. My oldest daughter is Chammoro and my husband is Mexican. European countries are vastly different than the US. The US has a much greater variance in population. I do agree that the reason behind portraying Americans in manga with light hair and eyes is probably to show a contrast against the other characters. It doesn't change the fact that it's a stereotype that isn't actually true. Also the comment you are replying to is from nine years ago.

    HoTUkEAsS September 28, 2023 5:33 am
    This starts off very ignorant. Americans can absolutely say someone has the wrong image of them. I know this might be a shock since it sounds like you don't live here but not all Americans are white. In fact th... Blue

    I’m sorry I might have come off the wrong way but I didn’t mean it like that. I am aware of the fact that a lot of Americans aren’t white but in my comment, I said ‘alot’ and not ‘all’. I don’t know if you saw that but I didn’t mean anything in a bad way so I apologise if I offended you or any other Americans in some way. And you are right, I don’t live in America but I have lived in Europe for a long time (as I mentioned in my previous comment) and as an Asian I have always had people both in Europe and America be shocked when they hear that I’m Asian bc I don’t look like their stereotypical Asian image. So basically what I was trying to say was that it’s the same in both places.