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tbh i agree with most people criticising this manga. I used to LOVE OnS, specially because...

karo August 4, 2019 1:02 pm

tbh i agree with most people criticising this manga. I used to LOVE OnS, specially because of Yuu and Mika and the strong feelings they held for each other, like, as much as i do fantasize about mikayuu, their bromance was one of the few ive seen in manga that made me genuinely happy and satisfied.

I feel that now, the author is just throwing in a bunch of new angels, useless characters and whatnot. Mika doesnt feel like one of the mcs anymore, even if it was hinted that he also was some type of powerful being (just like almost all mcs are lmao, its a bit too much).

The author is only focusing on shinoa, yuu and guren and all the other characters feel like theyre there just to feel blank spots. It had been a while since id been so exited for a new chapter and it has been a while since ive been so disapointed in a manga. I loved when it was about yuu and mika (as well as yuu's squad) and even when guren first turned into an asshole, i found the twist interesting.

Now the whole manga and plot feel like theyre going downhill and further and further away from what it originally was. The only good thing that came out of this is that yuu is less of an absolute idiot and im slightly interested in his past with the first vampire and ashuramaru. That, alongside hope for more mikayuu and less shinoa, are the only things that make me force myself to read every new chapter
