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rendeve44 August 22, 2019 6:46 am

I get people are in love with alek but he has been really ambiguous and mean to hen if we we're to consider every guy that had a sad past a lot of people would be in bad relationships. Ivan is so open with Hen and makes him feel special and tell him everything. I don't know about you guys but I have been waiting for a good seme like Ivan since ameiro paradox's open and encouraging/ lovingly bullying seme.Yet..although alek has been very ambiguous with hen I hope his next relationship is one that challenges him to open up. He needs a leader like hopefully this hen lookalike is it. I am rooting for him definitely, just not with hen.

    rendeve44 August 22, 2019 6:50 am

    Also something most people seems to have missed alek has fingered hen and masturbated him. Yet never penetrated Hen or even let hen pleasure him.