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I would have dumped him tbh. I don't care how much I love does not simply ac...

Sadako August 26, 2019 8:37 am

I would have dumped him tbh. I don't care how much I love does not simply act the way he does and think everything is gucci.

    Calypso August 26, 2019 10:07 am

    Relationships are not always cupcakes and rainbows, there would be too many problems. So, if you are a quitter, don’t waste people's time.

    Sadako August 26, 2019 12:31 pm
    Relationships are not always cupcakes and rainbows, there would be too many problems. So, if you are a quitter, don’t waste people's time. Calypso

    Relationships don't need to always be cupcakes and rainbows. Up and leaving without a word is straight put up with that, I'll be damned. Quitting is not a bad thing either.