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Sorry, tbh i don't see a reason for suicide, it's just an excuse to escape from reality an...

Artemis September 3, 2019 11:51 am

Sorry, tbh i don't see a reason for suicide, it's just an excuse to escape from reality and the truth. oof this is harsh and idk y i'm linking this to reality, soz bad habit. OK, oof

    Sunfluxx September 3, 2019 12:18 pm

    Suicide isn’t that cut and dry, now I’m not caping for suicide but it’s complex.

    You do have dumbasses committing suicide for dipshit reasons probably caused by their own stupidity ( like cheating, scamming people, etc)

    But then you have more complex situations(such as mental and terminal illnesses, abuse, trauma). Dying from cancer is pretty fucking brutal, so what “truth” or “reality” are you running from?

    Nothing in life is simple, you gotta be a special kind of stupid to think that.

    Emery September 3, 2019 12:18 pm

    Why are people disliking this?? Bros, suicide = no no.

    Kiko September 3, 2019 12:34 pm

    What a stupid bitch

    HaLa September 3, 2019 12:38 pm

    Normally no one can harm himself if he/ she is in the right state of mind. You can't cut ur wrist for example for no reason at all. But people who r able to. Commit suicide or harm themselves certainly have psychological issues that affects their thinking. You have to understand that not everyone thinks like u and not everyone have the same background as u, there are some people with weak mentally that little things can have big effect that normally u would see it as stupid

    I am sorry but ur comment is very offensive. I like that u have strong mentality and u see suicide as an escape but u are Making great issue like suicide seems very simple with ur comment

    Artemis September 3, 2019 1:11 pm

    But because what i say is true, sugar coating the truth doesn't get you anywhere. It is reasons like this that people become offended because no one likes the truth. Everyone wants the easier route which is why they decide to ignore it or commit suicide. Suicide is a definite no, you gain nothing from killing yourself, all you are left with is regret. You have to be harsh when it comes to these topics otherwise nothing gets passed on. People are just generally afraid of the truth, i KNOW what i am saying is harsh, is rude, is offensive BUT it really is the only to fix a lot of major problems. I won't sugar coat my words because i am speaking truthfully, suicide is an escape AND yes life isn't complicated unless you make it. But there really is no point in suicide, idk how many times i will have to say this to everyone, but what exactly will you gain from ending your life?

    Artemis September 3, 2019 1:37 pm

    There seriously is no reason for suicide, i have come across thousands of people's stories, life, problems and how they chose suicide as a choice BUT if people like Kodi Lee are able to continue living their life despite having issues, what right does it give you to think that suicide is the only option left. Everyone has their own story to tell but it does not give you a choice to think that death will save you. I don't see why people argue against this, the generation today needs to come to a understanding that if you hide from what you don't face it will eventually bite back. Seeking death does no justice towards you personally, and even if it is your life and choice don't forget the fact that your mother gave birth to you. Life is messed up, it's complicated but it really only turns out to be that way when you decide to make it difficult. Hate on me because i bring out what people fear the most, Hate me because i speak my mind, Hate me because deep down you know i'm right, Hate on me because i live a life with no grudges, regrets, and hateful thinking, Hate me because society outcasts people like me, Hate me..because, YOU are afraid of getting hurt.

    Sunfluxx September 3, 2019 1:42 pm
    But because what i say is true, sugar coating the truth doesn't get you anywhere. It is reasons like this that people become offended because no one likes the truth. Everyone wants the easier route which is why... Artemis

    You sound young and naive, I can’t help you with that my friend. Whelp ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Nikki ❤ September 3, 2019 2:02 pm
    There seriously is no reason for suicide, i have come across thousands of people's stories, life, problems and how they chose suicide as a choice BUT if people like Kodi Lee are able to continue living their li... Artemis

    You sound dumb asf. If you actually had the mentality of someone who is depressed or who has gone through depression, you would be saying the opposite. Maybe learn on mental illness before opening your mouth about your opinions. No one makes their life harder or “decides to make it difficult.” Like another person said, some people don’t have the mentality that you do and great, maybe you don’t deal with it personally but that doesn’t mean you down talk people who deal with it and then Usenet a shitty thing like “I’m just telling the truth” as a way to excuse that dumb ass explanation. Sorry not sorry

    HaLa September 3, 2019 2:16 pm
    But because what i say is true, sugar coating the truth doesn't get you anywhere. It is reasons like this that people become offended because no one likes the truth. Everyone wants the easier route which is why... Artemis

    Again, u r describing normal human being who doesn't have issues that affects his mentality. Seriously u should realize that people have different personalities and lives. Don't put ur life and thinking as an example for everyone
    To be able to harm ur self it means that u r not in a stable state of mind wether it's drugs or depression or bullying or any other reason, that fact that u can kill ur self it means there's something wrong in the mentality at the moment of committing suicide because normally a person can't even hurt his finger. I am rewriting the same thing again because I don't think u get it. I would advice you to open ur thinking more that not everything u feel or do is what others should do and read about suicide and its issues more before u comment on it

    Artemis September 3, 2019 2:35 pm

    okay, first of all, it is your fault for being egged on by words, secondly i did not say to anyone " Go commit suicide", thirdly you decide how turn out to be. yourself is to blame for the decisions you make, why do you not know that. If you can not admit to your own mistakes, problems, lies then you are just fake. And at the end of the day everything just comes down towards your decision, and no i am not shocked by the death rates of this year and the previous years because I know that humans are naturally weak to harsh truths, that they find excuses and that they would rather take the easier road down life. But not everyone is weak minded, and i have also helped prevent 7 people from committing suicide. As the viewer we can see the problems but as the actor no one notices, 3 had relationship problems, 1 social anxiety, 2 bullying, 1 family problems. These were close friends of mine, after 2 years had passed, i met them again. Kylie she finally broke free from her social anxiety and is now in the arts, Emma and Samson confronted their bullies, Emma is together with her bully ( Jystice ), and for the three girls they broke up with their boyfriends, 1 is engaged, 1 is still searching and the last one is well doing her own thing. As for Thomas, he did not tell the details of his family problem but his father left, mother remarried and they accepted his sexual preferences. Yes it takes time to fix things but suicide is definitely not the answer.

    Artemis September 3, 2019 2:41 pm

    so it's wrong of me to say suicide is wrong????? It seriously does not matter what state you are in to pick suicide as an option. And i won't think like that because I value myself, i speak my mind and fyi it is the truth.

    Artemis September 3, 2019 2:51 pm

    Taking your own life is basically admitting you can't handle life anymore. Are you seriously saying that people don't use suicide to escape???

    HaLa September 3, 2019 9:03 pm
    Taking your own life is basically admitting you can't handle life anymore. Are you seriously saying that people don't use suicide to escape??? Artemis

    This is what am talking abt, u can think abt killing urself but to actually Go through it and hurt urself is another thing. As I said before normal person can't hurt himself nor make himself feel pain. To actually commit suicide it means there's something affecting u mentally. It maybe only that moment ur emotions controling u and it may be something u suffer from all the time. It depends on the person and his life
    Yes commiting suicide is wrong and not the solution u r right but u have to understand that people who do commit suicide r not in their right mind at that moment. Calling them weak is understatement and it simpilfies the mental problem too much

    I am glad u help ur friends and I am glad u have strong personality and I hope u may never go through anything that can affect mentally but I hope u don't talk like that to anyone who has problems and thinking abt suicide, because it may affect them in the wrong way.
    I wish u a lovely day

    Artemis September 4, 2019 7:23 am
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    I reckon age seriously has nothing to do with this topic, but anyways i'm 20.

    Artemis September 4, 2019 7:28 am
    I reckon age seriously has nothing to do with this topic, but anyways i'm 20. Artemis

    What I mean is, well you'll know what I mean.

    Artemis September 4, 2019 10:18 am
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    No, i personally can't agree with that, not all young people are shallow, and before our generation your generation was the most shallowest. I think and speak with logic and facts, but others speak through emotion. Like your generation. And i do understand why they reacted negatively, because no one wants to accept that. Seriously at the end of the day from the very beginning of your life you've been making decisions and those were your own, it's understandable that children imitate others but the moment you reach 13 everything falls down towards you. Mental illness, yes i know what it is after all i had studied health for 3 years. People are easily tempted, tend to give up easily, you will keep perishing even after you take your life. I know my main reason as to why i am like this, because i have been raised with religious beliefs. People who said God is never there or has never helped them, or " God has a plan for you " yet they still came to ruin, you have to know that most of those people don't give back to him, they ask for his help yet what have you given to God to prove that yourself is true. We take and take and take yet, we never give back. To truly prove your faith, you shouldn't question it, if you guys actually read the bible, greed and wanting better things for yourself, being selfish, you get nothing in return because it's a sin, whether no one knows it what we basically do everyday can be considered sinning. I know majority of this world will think that my life is full of crap, but because I chose this route and because i'm living while being true to myself, i'm happy. I understand faith. Reason why you do not commit suicide is because your job on earth is not done, God will take you when your time comes naturally. People who complain about God not granting their wish or helping them when they needed him the most, is proof that they haven't read the bible and come to a understanding of what he truly is about, everything happens for a reason and when you learn to accept it then you can journey on from there and find a world of riches.

    Artemis September 4, 2019 10:33 am

    Sigh, still don't believe your opinions and i won't stop believing i'm stubborn and speak with logic rather than emotion. I am this way because of my religious upbringing. I want to explain but what's the point when people don't want to listen to what they don't want to hear. I am living happily. I am a very straight forward person, i would prefer it if i could speak with you all in person because it's way better to get messages across. Anyway i forgot what else I wanted to say.... so.... continue... i want to see others views on this, though ik it won't change my mind set but anyways i like hearing others opinions despite it causing them to hate my guts.

    Artemis September 6, 2019 5:26 am

    To those i have angered, I ask for your forgiveness. I will learn from your corrections and accept it. I will continue to still live honestly but, i'll keep it to myself, i'll think before I speak my mind and I will sincerely ask for you to tell me my wrong doings. I will show respect to you and accept that I am a young, naive and foolish being. I am a fool for not listening and was stupid for insulting those. I was in the wrong for starting this argument but I realized if I hadn't, I would have never learned from my mistakes. I appreciate that there are people who can tolerate with my stubbornness and conceitedness and for that I am thankful. I will accept the consequences of my words and will not wish to carry on this useless argument of mine, as I know that more problems will arise, so, I ask you for your forgiveness and hope that I can learn more from you all.