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HaLa July 12, 2021 11:46 pm

another crazy theory, what if the memory the mc had wasn't him truly but was the adopted brother getting assaulted by mc's dad which goes well with my another theory the mc's dad was inlove with the adopted brother's father
maybe this is far fetched theory but i have read so many yaoi Chinese web novels with a lot of weird twists like this :D Maybe i should cut off reading them a little bit

    Toxic bitj July 13, 2021 7:07 pm

    It makes sense. So it's like this then, qiurang's father like mc's father but mc's father like adoptive brother's father. That's why mc's father give attention more to the adoptive brother than his own son. And cuz mc look like his father, he got sexual harassment by qiurang's father. Then, got memory loss due to trauma. Like father like son. They also have love triangle. Qiurang > He wei (mc) > adoptive brother. But the difference between the father and the son is the adoptive brother like qiurang so he's not straight ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭.

    HaLa July 14, 2021 3:00 am
    It makes sense. So it's like this then, qiurang's father like mc's father but mc's father like adoptive brother's father. That's why mc's father give attention more to the adoptive brother than his own son. And... Toxic bitj

    Oh that makes sense!

    ChuYang July 19, 2021 6:02 pm
    It makes sense. So it's like this then, qiurang's father like mc's father but mc's father like adoptive brother's father. That's why mc's father give attention more to the adoptive brother than his own son. And... Toxic bitj

    Qiurang is the adoptive brother.

    Toxic bitj July 19, 2021 6:40 pm
    Qiurang is the adoptive brother. ChuYang

    Hmm... But i thought that black hair dude (mc's older brother) is the adoptive brother?. I mean qiurang has his own father..

    Toxic bitj July 19, 2021 6:41 pm
    Oh that makes sense! HaLa

    That's what i got from your theory (≧∀≦)

    Toxic bitj July 19, 2021 7:23 pm
    Hmm... But i thought that black hair dude (mc's older brother) is the adoptive brother?. I mean qiurang has his own father.. Toxic bitj

    Wait. I think misunderstand smth. I thought his childhood friend as the adoptive brother (since mc calling him older brother) :). So mc's father is calling him for qiurang not his childhood friend?.

    Toxic bitj July 19, 2021 7:34 pm
    That's what i got from your theory (≧∀≦) Toxic bitj

    Tbh cuz i misunderstand hahahah

HaLa July 6, 2021 11:33 pm

the older friend is an ass. he doesn't even look worried for the mc, I don't like him and if my theory about the dad (the dad being in love with one of the parents of the little brother, probably the father of little brother and mc dad treating him better than his own son is because the little brother looks like his father ) also right i will hate him :D Nice story though! The foreshadowing is amazing and very clean here

regarding the memories of the mc, it needs to be shown more to exactly think if the mc was assaulted or not because in a lot of stories sometimes when they show the memory and past, the truth turns out to be something else... especially in Chinese novel i have read before

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