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she should try something else besides starving herself... it's this invention called exe...

mentari September 15, 2019 7:36 am

she should try something else besides starving herself... it's this invention called

    Aiteal September 15, 2019 8:05 am

    hard to do :'( lol

    HonestlyIdk September 15, 2019 9:17 am

    That's pretty disrespectful to say when you don't know what it's like, or at least I'm assuming you don't know what it's like if you even posted something like that.

    Losing weight can actually be pretty hard because you pretty much need to exercise and have a healthy diet at the same time, if you only do one or the other it makes the process of losing weight a LOT slower.

    Also changing your diet all of a sudden is really hard to do, going from your favorite foods to having to resist and eating more vegetables/fruits than your normally would.

    Then, you have to find the motivation to exercise and find the time to do it. Not easy when a lot of people would rather watch TV or do other various activities/hobbies.

    That's why a lot of people resort to starving themselves -- because it makes losing weight go by a lot faster. If losing weight were that easy there would be a lot less eating disorders. I'm not supporting unhealthy methods such as starvation, just stating that your post is ignorant.

    mentari September 15, 2019 10:04 am
    That's pretty disrespectful to say when you don't know what it's like, or at least I'm assuming you don't know what it's like if you even posted something like that.Losing weight can actually be pretty hard bec... HonestlyIdk

    believe me, i actually do know what it's like. i am overweight myself. slow metabolism makes losing weight a nightmare, & i gain weight just by breathing air, so yeah....

    my comment was about the mentality of the characters... the mc seems to do nothing else but starve herself, for years and years. & in all that time, didn't it occurred to her to learn more & try out other methods. for me this story is so shallow that it's an insult to real girls who r struggling with the issue.

    but then again it's smut... what else can we expect.

    however, it seems that my comment came out harsher than it's actually meant it to be. sorry about that...

    Krissy September 15, 2019 11:03 am

    that's not really how it someone who knows several people who do this (and have done it myself) i can definitely say that it's not that easy.
    Also, having a healthy diet AND exercise is important, you won't lose much weight just by doing one and not the other.

    mentari September 16, 2019 6:06 am
    hard to do :'( lol Aiteal

    yes it is. xD