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dont have friends to share a story with so I share it here

Cyborg Franky September 17, 2019 11:37 am

After class when I was walking home with my friends, I saw this one guy's reflection from a mirror, he was pretending to kick me off, then his group of friends laughed. That's not a direct bullying thobut still making me upset. I have tried to be neutral and not having problem with anyone tho. I'm just that classmate who's active in discussion. I cant believe even a plain potato like myself got a hater. I know I'm being too sensitive lol.

    just a fujoshi September 17, 2019 11:24 am

    No you are not being sensitive if I were in your shoes I would also felt upset

    KyoZaNa✿ September 17, 2019 11:33 am

    Ignore them. Don't let that make you down.
    Some kids need attention by doing weird thing.

    Rene September 17, 2019 1:59 pm

    Same thing happened to me, got paper thrown at my head and heard laughter behind me. but when I turned around they acted like nothing was wrong .which was technically correct but I was stressed and threw it at his shoulder if that wasn't bad enough, i crush on him. He asked what was wrong the next day and I told him stressed.he said he was watching the office and a funny scene came up so that's why he laughed. Shit.