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Loving this !!!

SweetLust23 October 30, 2019 12:45 am

Sexy tatted guy with great body !! Then the closet gay that’s is getting divorced!! I’m all for it !! His wife knew from jump that he was gay and u still married him so it’s ur fault but u cheated to make urself feel better ! Ur a stupid bitch ! If he is gay from jump , he’s not just going to magically be straight cuz y’all got married ! U were just a great cover and u knew so don’t get mad now!!!

    Leta Cent November 4, 2019 5:22 pm

    Oh man I so agree with you. I read a few comments trashing him cause he got married even though he was gay so he is an " ass and had it coming" but come on for one he was confirming to society which many of us do in personality, likes, hobbies etc cause we don't want to be judged. It happens more often then we think and even if he didn't marry for love he still trying to treat her right. If it wasn't enough for her then she should have gotten a divorce not cheat. Next is the fact that I am sure he was the exact same way before they go married. Like he seems cold and not romantic now? No I am sure he always was but since she wanted that ring ( to be married) she didn't care at the time. Marriage isn't a game and they both played it wrong. I am sure from the start he seemed a bit distant cause he couldn't love her 100% that's when she should have said hey maybe we aren't read for marriage or hey it doesn't seem like you really love me. She got herself into it to. Did he cheat her for being gay? Yeah but he had a reason and it's not like he 100% faked it. It seems like he was always the same and she went along with it all on her own. She cheated herself by not seeing that they weren't marriage ready and now to fix it she cheats on him. She is the trash.

    SweetLust23 November 5, 2019 7:31 am

    Lol but she know from jump!!!