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Just a doubt. Persephone didn't fall in love with Hades. According to a book, she was kidn...

Anonymous March 10, 2014 3:43 am

Just a doubt. Persephone didn't fall in love with Hades. According to a book, she was kidnapped by Hades and took her away from her mother and earth. She had to live in the "Inframundo" 6 months until she can be free again... or not?

    lucy July 12, 2014 3:27 pm

    yes on the legend persephone has been kidnapped by hades but it's more romantic to think that she fall in love with him

    KuchikiMai August 26, 2014 4:51 am

    Also, have you ever heard of stockholm syndrome? It's when someone falls in love with their captor. While I would not like to think of their relationship being based off of some illness, this is a possibility.

    alrkitty September 4, 2015 12:40 am

    well in this story it points out that legend says she is kidnapped but the reality was vastly different. for instance in this story it is said that her mother asked hades to kidnap her daughter in order to protect her. and it even points out in a flash back that she told him herself that she loved him. Personally I'm more wondering about hades feelings.