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I've never wanted a "good" guy to die as much as now. Those kids playing "hero companions"...

akera December 21, 2019 4:25 am

I've never wanted a "good" guy to die as much as now. Those kids playing "hero companions" when they can do nothing and the useless goddess...honestly, they're all eyesores.
I despise characters who pretend to be all heroic and end up being a hindrance and causing more harm than good. I also hate the goddess for her stupid holier than thou attitude while contributing in nothing at all. Back when the village was being attacked, she thought the hero was weaker yet she blamed him for taking time to prepare and not rushing to the enemy's trap ? What kind of bitchy godess is that ? Did she want the only hope this world has to get killed while trying to save a kid who will most certainly still get killed when the hero is gone so basically she wanted him to die for nothing.

Everyone except for the hero is so incredibly dull and ignorant and it would be fun to wash some of them die

    Bia~ December 22, 2019 1:32 am

    I kinda get u tbh. Like, it was funny at the begining but now its just pissing me off.

    Miloli December 28, 2020 3:34 am

    God you hate the world
    Isn't that cute
    We should fuck

    ejiroustar June 14, 2021 12:27 pm

    Literally like, where does she get the guts to call him a coward when she’s too afraid to do shit herself. She’s literally a healing goddess