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my bet

seAsluGsuckeR December 29, 2019 11:22 pm

I feel bad for the redhead, I like hardworker guys lmao, I hope he will find someone who likes his toys!^^
So far, my bet on the story is that the mc will go out with the new guy from work and cheat on him with the tattoed guy. Then he will realize that he wants to be with the tattoed guy but deny it for ages and wait for his boyfriend to be heartbroken like he did with his wife instead of breaking up with him like a proper human being =/

    A_San February 5, 2020 5:35 pm

    Tho I hate to agree it
    I think it might be the same old plot
    I really do wish they’ll make it less cliche and not let the MC cheats on others
    I just dun like it when they do
    Even if I like the tattooed guy more than rookie
    I just can’t imagine how painful it’ll be