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For those of us getting our panties all in a twist over the ‘ungrateful’ comments made...

shewasadanger January 22, 2020 5:35 pm

For those of us getting our panties all in a twist over the ‘ungrateful’ comments made by the readers please note we are all just here to read mangas. Also please stop commenting and calling out these responses remember that if you are defending the artist then you should NOT also be defending the uploader, as they should not be posting the artist’s work here in the first place. Am I wrong? Then they went even further as to censor the work in a way that was kind of silly therefore further disrespecting the artist’s work.
Also I agree with the commenters who said that it’s hypocritical to complain about artists rights on the site. It’s like complaining that meat is wrong while eating your steak. You have profiles on the site: YOU ARE ONE OF US!!!
Support the artists guys if you can, if you can’t read manga on this site.
I will say this though, some of those responses to the uploader were rude. If you hate it so much post the upload yourself...I’m waiting....(patiently)...
