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Some good, some bad

TachibanaChiharu February 15, 2020 5:27 pm

The character designs are very appealing, and each of the characters had a distinct design to them, rather than looking like the same face with different eyes or hair color. The unfortunate part is this great art is wasted in the smut scenes, which were a bit thin and/or glossed-over. Sad.

The plot setups for each story are good/interesting and have potential, but the stories lack the connective tissue that allows the characters to make sensible logical leaps from one phase of a relationship to another. Like the two in the first story were obviously circling each other looking for an in, but then the seme attacks the uke out of the blue, and the uke is just ok with it? The second story was like, oh, did he jerk him off in the locker room but he's just ok with it even though I saw nothing to think the uke was gay to begin with (much less the seme), and now they're presumed to be in a relationship with no word about it on-screen? Wat? The third story was just nonsense schlock lol.

I mean, that said, I still enjoyed them. I especially liked looking at the art of the uke in the first story. More of my otome game ikemen please!
