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Wait why is this here?

Krazybri February 17, 2020 6:40 am

Yall can read this comic as soon as it's uploaded on WEBTOON for free so i dont know why its here (▰˘◡˘▰)

    King Of Strangeness March 4, 2020 8:25 am

    Don't want to use multiple websites ands apps?

    King Of Strangeness July 27, 2020 12:17 am
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    Bruh, tell that to Everyone on this webside for reading manga and webtoons etc for free including you lol, yes ill be selfish when it's my private time and hobby just wanting to chill and read something. if it's free on webtoons anyways theres no problem with it being on here, atleast not as big of a problem as pirating manga which again is what Everyone here is doing. I just use this place and gogoanime to get my daily intake of weebness

    King Of Strangeness July 27, 2020 12:46 am
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    Ah yes because Everyone has enough storage in Their devices and enough time on Their hands to find everything they need on multiple platforms instead of keeping it simple and easy, also i highly doubt free support is worth THAT much. It doesnt make much of a difference and more people will hear of merryweather by having them spread around. I can also say that why is any manga here at All? you should go to the translators websides and go support them all there , maybe Even join all Their discords and work for them for free, there now you can support people without the need for money while i can go and be lazy in my free time

    King Of Strangeness July 27, 2020 1:16 am
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    Oh yes i never made any excuses, as i Said in my previous comment ill be selfish in my private time, you can judge me all you want but a random strangers word on the Internet wont really hurt my 0 pride lol, im happy with having serious discussions with people anytime but here it mostly feels like ur trying to be morally superior soooo congrats you won, im proud of you. Also if ur talking about following merryweather on webtoons as support i probably did that in the 5 minutes i had the app installed but i dont remember hahahaha not that i mind. I dont know what lezhin and tappytoon is but i never mentioned Those, if it's to my previous statement i Said that if you really wanna support people you could rather use all the different scanlators websides where they post the New manga chapters before they come here and you could also join their discords and help them out cuz you wanna support people, and hey thats also free cool isnt it? And i kinda just Said as a joke lol

    King Of Strangeness July 27, 2020 1:57 am
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    Wait this was arguing lol, dang i was just having fun. Anyways the first point you made is dependent on the group as ive seen multiple groups that say people are free to join to spell check etc. And yes i dont like to use multiple websides which is why i Said i deleted the app after 5 minutes cuz i simply wanted to check if it was worth using that instead of a site like mangago but i decided it wasnt simple as that, backtracking lol. And again yes im selfish as any human are and im fine with that. Ah so thats what Those websides are. Anyways you should really re evalulate your time if you thought this was arguing, if it was it was one Sided as i was simply enjoying a small discussion to relive me of boredom hahaha. Anyways as it's 4 in the morning here in Norway i should probably go to sleep so ill say goodnight