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Just a thought..

Ollipop February 22, 2020 8:30 am

I agree with everyone else about how unlikable this arc is. However, I have a prediction for the future of this story. I truly believe the author is setting this up for suwon to die and Hak and Yona to take back over the throne. I believe this story will end with them being married and the dragons staying with them in the castle. This story has been going on for YEARS now, give the author some credit. For YEARS they have tested the limits of their imagination, ability and artistry. I know it’s disappointing to see the story going down hill, and for me I feel like it’s becoming predictable but Akatsuki No Yona has had a wonderful run overall, I’m so glad I started reading it - it’s one of my favorites and I’ll stick with it until the end.
