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Brozone March 20, 2020 3:08 pm

Could anybody tell me which chapter is the current arch in the novel?? Thank you

    Karai March 20, 2020 3:28 pm

    The latest update is part of chapter 45 in the novel. I strongly reccomend reading preceding chapters. Drunk Lan Zhan is absolutely cute, while Wei Ying is slowely realizing his own feelings. Depiction is better than in manghua. ヾ(☆▽☆)

    LynxSeoltang March 20, 2020 7:31 pm
    The latest update is part of chapter 45 in the novel. I strongly reccomend reading preceding chapters. Drunk Lan Zhan is absolutely cute, while Wei Ying is slowely realizing his own feelings. Depiction is bette... Karai

    I keep on contemplating reading the novel but all these comments are making me hella curious. I've started with the anime then the live action and now this manhua ^ω^ i think I'll read the novel while waiting for this manhua to be completed ≧ω≦

    Karai March 21, 2020 4:55 am

    I really recommend reading the novel. I've read it many times and always go back wherever there is an update. The author's writing style sucks you right in. It is much more detailed than any of the adaptations and you can understand the world better. Of course there are also all those details that were omitted in the adaptations due to Chinese censorship (like the kiss that the scanlation group smuggled in for us). Wei Ying doesn't hold back when teasing Lan Zhan but he himself also gets it every time, when his teasing backfires. And if the synopsis says he is "raising children", he really does. The juniors from the Lan clan and other juniors nighthunting with him really get to learn. (≧∀≦)