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Once in a while, we are shown some characters that are absolutely mind bogling in their ho...

soulofalover May 16, 2014 3:28 am

Once in a while, we are shown some characters that are absolutely mind bogling in their hotness - Mairo is one of them. He is one of the sexiest characters that I've had the pleasure of seeing. Goodness, he is just too beautiful!! Unfortunately, the story between him and Eiki leaves me totally uncomfortable - I don't like it. And Sensei Takahashi Yuu made him a bit of an S too. He absolutely controls his brother and has real peasure in teasing and torturing him.

The Pres is as always, a real slut - I'm not even sure that he does love his poor secretary - I think he just uses him as a toy for the pleasure of his twisted mind; I' sorry that part of this manga (where the Pres. is talking to Sasai) has already appeared in the 1st prequel ... :(
