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Manipulative Seme Duo

Coolblue238 March 26, 2020 8:36 pm

Kind of wonder if the two seme understand the amount of impact they have on the uke. Seme are manipulative and are using uke insecurity to its fullest. They isolated the uke after falling 1st lust for him. The moment he refuses to let them scr*w they switch to women and yet have the nerve to say they aren't using him as an alternative to a woman. Knowing that he isn't a woman and using him as one is quite different...

When they notice him about to cry they caved but that may have been partially due to the fact that there were two other guys willing to hook uke in if they didn't act right then. Top it off, they began training his body so he couldn't have adequate pleasure during s*x without having others do something similar. Feel sorry for the guy. He probably doesn't actually feel love for them but dependency as without them he is kind of a loner. Reality is that he is popular with many of the guys in his class (maid outfit) or they wouldn't have cared so much about who wore what in the cosplay cafe theme. Likely none of the guys wanted him to attract any girls due to competition. Also feel the two seme are part of the reason he was isolated from girls and part of the reason other guys kept their distance.
