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I wanna know you guys' opinions on this

Rama April 7, 2020 10:11 pm

recently when I visit yt there are a lot of people hating on fudanshis & fujoshis; saying they're disgusting and stuff, I don't really get it cuz I treat yaoi and yuri like any other love stories that I like and I only like it in manga form so I had these questions, what do you think are some inappropriate acts as someone who likes this types of stuff, and what to do so we can avoid offending other lgbtq+ people?

    Lite April 7, 2020 10:24 pm

    What you like is what you like you don't need to push or argue what are things that you like to others. If they hate that thing then they hate it. If they like that thing then they like it . They are free to say what their opinion toward that topic and you don't need to fit to what opinion they have. Remember to respect the opinion of others. That is what I think

    nagi April 7, 2020 10:30 pm

    It is okay to like yaoi and yuri, but it is not okay to ship/force real people into doing/answering things regarding their sexuality (forcing them to be gay, basically.). But, it is also not okay to view or compare real gay couples to gay characters, unless it is what they intended (cosplaying, acting)

    SH1R0 April 7, 2020 11:36 pm

    I agree with all of these answers. I find it extremely uncomfortable to see others ship/force real people upon their fujoshi/fundashi fantasies. Seeing fanfiction, or some sort of video dedicated to a ship of a real life person and their friend. I know it's not everybody, but a large amount of people do this. Just because you like those two together doesn't mean you should force the idea upon them. If people just picture things in their point of view, they can see how uncomfortable and weird it can be. Respect people's opinions on situations like these, especially those who are being shipped. There is a major line between shipping those who are fictional, and those who are real people. Do not cross it for your own benefit. You make those who are aware of the boundaries look bad.

    ThatGayChicken April 7, 2020 11:38 pm

    One of these fujos/fudans at a wedding, where both of them are dudes.

    OoOOoF that’s not ending badly.