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grr the rapist deserves death in a car accident being arrested isnt soothing my wrath. my ...

Anonymous June 2, 2014 3:37 am

grr the rapist deserves death in a car accident being arrested isnt soothing my wrath. my poor lil uke i shall make you feel better *commits crime goes into prison and strangles rapist* XD

    Ren January 5, 2015 6:47 am

    Hahahaha.... You are soooo~ right.... But... Strangling might not be enought to ease our hatered for him.... Maybe we can slowly break him, make him suffer, make him regret defiling Atsushi. Killing him in an instant wont be fun but making him suffer and turning his life into a living hell will be much more fun, interesting and it might be able to satisfy my hatred towards him.

    Ren January 5, 2015 6:47 am

    Hahahaha.... You are soooo~ right.... But... Strangling might not be enought to ease our hatered for him.... Maybe we can slowly break him, make him suffer, make him regret defiling Atsushi. Killing him in an instant wont be fun but making him suffer and turning his life into a living hell will be much more fun, interesting and it might be able to satisfy my hatred towards him.

    Yhelia January 10, 2015 5:42 am

    Have I been reading too much yaoi? Your suggestions all seem to be the start of a plotline to me o_0 Obviously, I'm imagining you as a male, and a seme with sadistic tendencies. At first you are angry with him, but seeing his previously undiscovered masochistic tendencies, and lewd responses to your punishments, you can't help but fall in love with him, and you swear to make him your bitch forever. The plot continues dramatically, while he fights against his feelings for you, and also the prison warden also has his eye on him. Eventually, you do, in fact, strangle him in a jealous rage, and commit double-suicide in regret. However, he survives your attempted murder, and lives happily ever after as the warden’s pet.

    And now I'm off to my Yaoi-holics Anonymous recovery meeting…

    Usako March 27, 2015 12:18 am
    Have I been reading too much yaoi? Your suggestions all seem to be the start of a plotline to me o_0 Obviously, I'm imagining you as a male, and a seme with sadistic tendencies. At first you are angry with him,... @Yhelia

    LOL, I like it.

    Cece November 24, 2015 10:29 am

    If you do all that, you'll be just as horrible as the rapist. Just so you know.

    Ren January 2, 2016 11:26 pm

    People chil.... LOL... But that maybe an interesting plot for a manga.....

    Cece January 3, 2016 1:24 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! <3 OHSHC+LUVntheMASK+BeautyPop

    If they were serious I would certainly question their morals. But that doesn't make what I said any less true.

    Fujoshi July 5, 2016 4:39 am
    Have I been reading too much yaoi? Your suggestions all seem to be the start of a plotline to me o_0 Obviously, I'm imagining you as a male, and a seme with sadistic tendencies. At first you are angry with him,... @Yhelia

    ヾ(☆▽☆) yass