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lol I’m coming back today to see if I’m honestly the only one not liking this story. I...

diddl April 23, 2020 8:17 am

lol I’m coming back today to see if I’m honestly the only one not liking this story. I came back to see if I’m the only one criticizing the fact that the uke wanted to sleep with a person not awake, basically sleeping with a person not being able to give consent, then being saved by the fact that the seme was waking up and having sex with him ( still a big gray area, at least in other manga featuring this “drunk situations” people are adamant to call it rape, even though those people were couples and consenting and here you have strangers and one of them is blacked out, thinking of the dude as his girlfriend and drunk (And the uke IS using that fact for his advantage) but since the seme is drunk and the uke not, everything is Gucci and we don’t need to worry about lack of consent, the seme has given, isn’t it.) And if that whole situation isn’t enough, he’s fooling the seme and acting as if it’s the Fault of the seme the next day. Giving him a guilty conscience and yes he redeems himself and the rest is fluff but obviously he never admits what happened in this night, soo maybe I’m the only one that doesn’t see this lie as a harmless prank. because lying about something like that in real life could potentially lead to a person being charged for rape, even though they are innocent, but hey, it’s fiction we ignore it. I wouldn’t even complain about this if people seriously would see this as a problem, but here I am reading a comment about how this story was so fluff and a very warm welcome after all the romanticized rape Yaois. If you want to read pure and wholesome manga there are a few, but this is just a fluff which saved itself in the last second from being such a yaoi story like the above. Not judging anyone liking it, but I am judging the fact that I don’t see any not even one comment about it. Just : “he redeemed himself” - he did regarding his personality but not about this lie

    Lol_loL April 23, 2020 4:41 am

    yea I couldn't go on after i read the first chapter it was just ugh, I enjoy drunk sex with my boyfriend but we're together and he knows that I like having sex when drunk buuuuuut in this manga he raped someone that he knew was straight, totally drunk and started to have sex with him only because he tought it was his girlfriend,
    like yea immagine waking up in the morning with a stranger(rapist) and being told that you assaulted them when it's the other way around I'd beat them to death not go out with them

    CathyBLover May 5, 2020 8:22 pm

    I agree, delete the first chapter and it's actually a really cute story. But I don't like how uke took advantage of the drunk seme

    Mynutsrstale May 16, 2020 5:22 am

    He wasn't going to though, he literally says 'too bad I'm not interested in a passed out drunk' but then the drunk dude is persistent. Even though he definitely had ulterior motives from the beginning, and absolutely he gave in easily to said drunk mans advances, he very clearly wasn't expecting or enthusiastic about being on the receiving end, said several times that it was too fast, rough etc.... like I'm not condoning drunk sex with a stranger, but also how tf do you be so drunk you don't notice a dick? And the uke didn't say he was forced, he said it was so rough he was aching, which is believable. He didn't demand anything from their 'relationship' and after impulsively kissing him reset the relationship to friends himself. Also, he DID tell the truth, when he broke it off so the seme wouldn't get fired for turning down the proposal.

    Again, I'm not condoning sleeping with a drunk stranger, i just feel like if you're going to have an issue with the story you should pay attention to the details first is all.

    Lol_loL May 16, 2020 1:54 pm
    He wasn't going to though, he literally says 'too bad I'm not interested in a passed out drunk' but then the drunk dude is persistent. Even though he definitely had ulterior motives from the beginning, and abso... Mynutsrstale

    wow well the thing that you seem to miss is that he was so drunk that he literally didn't notice he was with a Man he tought he was with his girlfriend,
    have you ever been SO drunk that you didn't recognize the people around you? that nearly always happen, and not only that but you literally can't really think or reason

    so saying that he was rough is laughable because he wasn't in himself since hello... he was pissed drunk its like been really high on drugs
    and the uke was going to have sex with him he just wanted to have a shower first, and saying that the seme give in fast is ridiculous HE TOUGHT HE WAS WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND, and he wasn't in himself
    from the way you talk you seem to never have been really drunk and not remembering what you did the day before

    diddl May 17, 2020 2:41 am
    wow well the thing that you seem to miss is that he was so drunk that he literally didn't notice he was with a Man he tought he was with his girlfriend, have you ever been SO drunk that you didn't recognize the... Lol_loL


    Woke Fujoshi June 7, 2020 9:26 pm

    Yep, after reading the first chapter I'm bailing, I hate this stuff.

    Daya September 10, 2020 11:01 am

    Not sure if you’re just ridiculous or just a kid.

    Woke Fujoshi September 10, 2020 3:34 pm
    Not sure if you’re just ridiculous or just a kid. Daya

    Liking rape tropes doesn't make you mature.

    diddl September 10, 2020 9:58 pm
    Liking rape tropes doesn't make you mature. Woke Fujoshi