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Loving it

shortshort April 22, 2020 5:04 pm

So, someone behaves like an asshole and is the worst kind of possessive but thehe learns that this is cruel NOT because he suddenly "falls really in love" but because he learns empathy? My god, it's a first in yaoi land. Love it. I think the demon will kill his honey pretty soon. And then search for him again. And then fucks it up 2 to 3 times over before he learns to have a normal relationship.

    Mikhail April 22, 2020 5:37 pm

    Spot on!

    Mozzarella April 23, 2020 4:15 am

    IKR! I really love it too. Maybe the Devil really loved Honey, but love isn't always beautiful or selfless.

    blueninja89 April 24, 2020 8:08 am

    And that would be the cruelest thing to be shackled for another life time with this monster.