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So, it was quite a melancholic read. It gave me the feeling of reading a story of the past...

Sofia April 27, 2020 1:16 am

So, it was quite a melancholic read. It gave me the feeling of reading a story of the past that still lingered in time. I really wished i could like Takahiro but i can't really stand characters like him. People who have the so called "charisma" to attract people but that are slackers and good for nothings.I just felt for the entire time that he didn't deserve Aoi. All those years he made him suffer.. I don't know, i guess i could have took it better if Aoi didn't forgive hin so easily. He gave in so fast, he accepted everything without questioning anything,his reasons for not coming back for two years after the end of the war, why he didn't even bother to write him a letter. I mean, i guess i understand a bit Takahiro feelings, not wanting to return to him in that state and hoping for him to have a better life with someone else while being also scared to know that he could have moved on, but... I don't know, I still feel bitter.I hate wishy washy guys that go playing around making the "loved" person suffer cause they don't have the guts to confess but that still feel jealous if the other person might think about someone else. Like,make a choice! Stop going around, playing games and then hurt yourself and the other person in the process!

    OmegaChan June 30, 2020 10:32 pm

    but I think that's what makes this character and this story so real and believable and therefore also causes many in the comments to show aversions towards taka... because he is real. He is not the polished manga guy who speaks his mind is flawless and makes the right decisions that will ultimately lead to the happy ending. He makes way too many mistakes sometimes without noticing. He has his flaws and insecurities but tries to put up a strong front and tries to hide everything as much as possible as not to show to the one he loves... I found these traits rather appealing, since that is how most of people are in reality.

    AlexCode July 6, 2020 10:05 pm
    but I think that's what makes this character and this story so real and believable and therefore also causes many in the comments to show aversions towards taka... because he is real. He is not the polished man... OmegaChan

    i couldnt have said it better. taka has his issues. he is a flawed character n thats what made me fall in love with him and also made this one of the best mangas i have read..

    OmegaChan July 6, 2020 10:10 pm
    i couldnt have said it better. taka has his issues. he is a flawed character n thats what made me fall in love with him and also made this one of the best mangas i have read.. AlexCode
