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Krixel May 17, 2020 12:04 pm

It's nice. I find the ML attractive, nice art. I got a little upset when they blamed the FL for not having a boyfriend or a husband to take care of her, I thought that was dumb. I never had a problem reading Harley Quinn stories since I read them knowing the fact that they'll be cheesy as hell. I enjoy stories where "the man runs for the girl or the man loses the girl then gets them in the end" shit. But the problem with this is that the moment the girl was trying to run away from the guy was dumb. I thought the guy was being sincere there. He promised her he would bring her back with him and marry her, I thought that was pretty good. He explained and proved to her he loves her. Great! But the girl was finding non-existent faults, unless you don't like the guy. Then she later runs after the guy after finding out she's pregnant with his baby, stating that she "finally understand why he went to America, and she want her child to know it's father". So you selfishly run to the guy cause you found out you have his child without thinking about the fact that you brutally rejected the guy. (Are you after his money to help take care of the child?) I just find the girl as selfish and insensitive. But still a good read.
