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Whoa there friend you might need to slow down

Rclevel655 May 20, 2020 10:51 pm

Does anyone else think this is going a little fast? Yuuma is finally starting to get an understanding of DID and all of the six alters and yet he’s given such an ultimatum when he still doesn’t know much about Rei or Kazuha.

Part of me feels like he’s going to choose Kazuha because he’s on the cover and I believe the first alter we meet but then there’s just something between Yuuma and Rei.

It would have been nice to see the other personalities explored more but other than that, it’s really interesting. Looking forward to seeing how it ends (*˘︶˘*)

    BARBra May 20, 2020 10:57 pm

    I feel Kazuha is overreacting, which I guess its understandableknowingwhere hes coming from , but like REI said no alter actually disappeared from the system they just integrate together. I predict it will end with kazuha and REI integrating to become a new alter

    Rclevel655 May 21, 2020 11:35 pm
    I feel Kazuha is overreacting, which I guess its understandableknowingwhere hes coming from , but like REI said no alter actually disappeared from the system they just integrate together. I predict it will end ... BARBra

    That’s a good prediction.

    Going on from what you’ve said, I feel like when all of the alters integrate different elements of their personalities will remain; the caring side, the feminine side, the angry side etc and that final personality will be Shikiori. Kazuha and Rei will never truly disappear, they’ll just become one.