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Wild theory time

Rclevel655 May 22, 2020 12:00 am

I’ve been researching DID and it’s said that the majority of the causes stem from childhood abuse (sexual or physical) and it got me thinking, what if Shikiori was abused as a child. In chapter three, when we first discover the child alter, he shouts “don’t hit me” when Yuuma touches him. Then in chapter five, Shikiori didn’t want to go home and Yuuma found him playing with a sad look on his face. So something must be going on at home, for him to not want to go back.

I believe Young Yuuma saved him but the reason Yuuma can’t remember much of the past is because he was hurt as a result of stepping in. Remember those opening pages with Yuuma saving the young boy, I just feel like Yuuma has a strong sense of justice, even as a child. Maybe the DID started because Shikiori felt guilty, Yuuma stepped in to help him and ended up getting hurt. That could explain the appearance of the alters and his fixation on Yuuma.

Or he could just be happy that Yuuma paid attention to him in the park that day. Yuuma was a light in the darkness that he never forgot and he has loved him ever since.

    JuliH May 22, 2020 7:28 am

    DID is caused by severe or repeated trauma between the age of 7-9.
    MAYBE Kazuha (I'll just call them Kazuha for now cuz it's easier to explain it this way..) was abused by his parents, but what's for sure is THAT he was abused. And that was the cause for his alters to appear. Remember, Yuuma said that Kazuha sometimes acted differently when he was a child. So Kazuha already had DID when they first met.
    And about Yuuma... Something must've happened to him back then. Atm we don't know what it was, but it had to be traumatising enough that he just forgot about it. His brother (that older black haired guy (idk I really thought he's Yuuma's brother..)) also said that something happened and Yuuma was so scared when they found him that he lost his memories.
    I'm really curious to know what happened back then.

    And I'm really sorry if I just misunderstood your comment, but Itsuki (the child alter) is NOT the same person as Kazuha. He's a entirely different person that might just hold some of Kazuha's old memories.

    Rclevel655 May 22, 2020 1:20 pm
    DID is caused by severe or repeated trauma between the age of 7-9.MAYBE Kazuha (I'll just call them Kazuha for now cuz it's easier to explain it this way..) was abused by his parents, but what's for sure is THA... JuliH

    That’s a good point. I still feel like the DID wasn't fully present when he was younger but it was definitely developing, showing itself in the sudden mood changes in young Shikiori.

    Itsuki (the child alter) could be a representation of the fear Shikiori experienced as a child and so manifested as an alter. When Yuuma brought the female alter that drink she was in a way at peace and was able to integrate so maybe Yuuma will have to figure out a solution for Itsuki to overcome the trauma and integrate. That could be the key to this all.

    JuliH May 22, 2020 1:39 pm

    That's not really how it works... But I don't have DID so I'm also not an expert.
    If you're really interested in DID look up the Youtuber dissociaDID. They have DID and make really good and informative videos in which they also try to clarify all the prejudices around this disease. ( ◜‿◝ )♡

    Rclevel655 May 22, 2020 8:35 pm
    That's not really how it works... But I don't have DID so I'm also not an expert.If you're really interested in DID look up the Youtuber dissociaDID. They have DID and make really good and informative videos in... JuliH

    Oh yeah, it’s definitely not how DID works but going based on what the mangaka has done in previous chapters with the integration of the alters, I’m trying to theorise what might happen.

    DID is deffo something I’m interested in, I’ve seen DID interpreted in many different ways (the film Split is one example). I will definitely check out the youtuber for a more factual approach rather than a slightly fictional approach like this manga, although I do applaud the mangaka for using some facts as dramatised as it is.

    Thank you (⌒▽⌒)