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Ngl, Hei-chan's mother is too lax

moody_bish May 29, 2020 10:47 am

Your 8yr old son is being requested by someone far older than he is. Sexually or not, the mom's remark that it's like giving away your daughter is not cool. Daughter or son, would you let your EIGHT-year old child be taken? I'm on the father's side for reacting like that. And when Miharu begged 13 yrs later, the mother's opinion was already too weak for me to appreciate because she didnt show that much of a rejection 13 yrs prior.

Also, Miharu did see Hei-chan as more like a "pet" or a healing presence than a sexual preference which is why he saw Hei-chan as someone pure and not someone you teach how to peel his kid dick's skin as a "joke". He was also struggling with the awakened sexual desire he had for Hei-chan's envisioned "grown up" version. That doesnt sound pedo to me.

He also kept his promise not to touch him and even rejected Hei-chan's confession. Hei-chan chose him and was the first to kiss Miharu, too.

    moody_bish June 14, 2020 4:38 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Melon

    Damn. That's worse

    Littleyon September 19, 2020 8:10 am

    I think at that age that he first asked for his son they new as a feeling of like a loving uncle who lives seeing the child when they come off vacations lmao but I do think they would have allowed them with they kid if he had I’ll intentions when he was 8 I’m just utterly shocked that he managed for 13 years but in this case I think it’s sort of like story’s with omegas and alphas like you know that partner shit i would think it’s sort of like that because your partner could be 8 while you are 16-20

    Littleyon September 19, 2020 8:10 am

    But I really do agree with your statement